How To Get Gas For $1 Per Gallon!
Right now more than ever the price is gas is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Right now this
is what everyone is talking about and what is coming up in more conversations than anything
BUT…did you know that as a YTB Home Based Business Owner your gas ‘should’ be only
costing you $1 per gallon? Now before you start thinking…“Man, that coach is amazing, what
oil company did he cut a deal with?” - let me say that no matter what home-based business
you’re in you can make these gas prices work for you and EXPLODE your business like never
before because all gimmicks aside, this is real, your gas only has to cost you $1 per gallon!
Here’s how it works:
1) The IRS provides a .52 cent tax write off for every mile you drive that is legitimately
related to business.
2) People who do not own a business CANNOT qualify for this tax write off.
3) Everywhere you go, whether its work, church, the kid’s soccer game, or just going to the
store can be a legitimate mileage tax write off if you insert business into the equation.
This is EASY to do! It can be done by leaving YTB business cards on peoples
windshields, handing people YTB business cards (or Success From Home Magazines),
or of course doing a presentation.
Note: You must record your business mileage in case you ever get audited and this is
where it typically becomes a sticking point with most people as they do not want to take
the time, can’t take the time or forget.
If that’s you here’s what you need to do immediately: Go to (this is a FREE service) and sign up. Now you can simply call a phone number before, during or even after you’ve driven somewhere (that was business related) and leave a voice message such “Soccer game handed out 3 business cards – 14 miles” and hang up. This FREE service will convert your
message to text and log our it in an online mileage log for you.
4) So here’s the $1 per gallon formula – (working with round numbers)
• $4.00 Per Gallon
• 20 Miles Per Gallon
• .50 Cents Per Mile IRS Deduction
• 30% Tax Bracket
Those of you with math brains can do the calculation but the basics are – a 20 miles per
gallon vehicle at $4 per gallon cost .20 cents per mile to drive.
.50 cents per mile IRS deduction x 30% tax bracket is .15 cents in real money you
pocket at the end of the year and when you deduct .15 cents from .20 cents your at .05
cents per mile or $1 per gallon! These are real dollars/savings and real cash in your
pocket at the end of the year.
You might be saying “Wow, this sounds great – I see it and I’m excited that my YTB business is
going to help me save $3 per gallon on my fuel cost – I’m going to business wherever I go and
log my miles”.
PLEASE whatever you do - don’t miss the bigger picture!
The big picture here is that these gas prices could be the best thing that has ever happened for
in YTB. In fact, when you grab hold of what I am about to share you’re going to pray that gas
goes to $10 per gallon – think about it.
If you do what we’re talking about - what is going to happen in your YTB business? If you’re
handing out and extra 3 to 5 business cards per day and/or collecting 3 to 5 new email
addresses for your ATM - You’re going to make some MONEY!!
BUT…it gets even better – you can now call anyone you want and set an appointment to look at
YTB because now you have the perfect appointment getting script!
Everywhere I go people ask me how to approach people, they ask me how to talk to people
about their YTB business, they ask me how to get appointments, they ask me for the secret
words and want to know how to approach strangers. Well, in this $1 per gallon solution you
now have the silver bullet – the magic words you need to get dozens of appointments to share
YTB at will. How do I know? Because I’ve talked with YTB reps who are using this and just to
give you one example – The day I first came across this $1 per gallon concept - A gentleman
named Lucas in Michigan using this script immediately made 6 calls and got 6 appointments in
a half hour and last I knew his schedule was so full of YTB presentations he can’t keep up.
“So what do you think of these gas prices?” (Wait for prospect to answer)
“Ya, know it’s really not affecting us – with this travel business I own, we’re only paying $1 a
gallon” (Wait for prospect to wake up from fainting)
“Was wondering if you’d like some information?” (Set the appointment)
That’s it – !
Now you’re probably saying “What does he say when he sits down with them?” – I’m glad you
asked. When he sits down with them he outlines the 4 steps we talked about a few paragraphs
ago how the IRS allows .52 cents per mile and how people cannot qualify for it unless they own
a business then he tells them “I chose a home-based business to get my gas for $1 per gallon
because of the low overhead and the one I settled on was YTB because its travel related and
had no inventory and they are a fast growing up and coming large travel agency and travel is
fun, etc. You need a home based business or the price of gas is going to eat you alive – let me
show you in a little more detail why I recommend YTB”. (Do the presentation)
(In Lucas’ area they’ve even started using this at their weekly meeting and the success has
been phenomenal.)
So let recap:
Everywhere you go, everyone you meet you’re going to ask them “If I could show you how to
get gas for $1 per gallon would you want more info?” and then your’ going to set the
appointment to show them YTB. Now they might think you’re selling some sort of gas additive
so you might want to qualify your statement by saying “and I’m not selling any kind of gas
When you sit down with them (you can do this in the hotel lobby before your group meeting as
well) explain to them that the IRS gives .52 cents per mile as tax write off for people who own
businesses and there is no gimmick to this – they can legitimately get their cost of gas down to
around $1 per gallon if they follow our formula. Tell them that they need a home based
business for this reason and you’ve chosen to work with YTB because if you have to own a
business – YTB is the best.
This is truly the easiest YTB appointment getting script you will ever find and because people
are hurting and need solutions to the financial pain they are feeling. YTB is their solution and
now you have an approach that will shock them and get their attention and if done right will get
you the appointment everytime.
If you like paying $3 a gallon more than me then by all means don’t do this – and if you’re not
willing to turn your everyday miles into business miles please don’t let me see you sitting in line
the next time you see low gas prices somewhere (hmmm…actually that might not be a bad
recruiting idea?)
Perhaps you know a few people that might want to save $3 per gallon on their gas?
The stats are showing that the increase prices in energy and food is going to cost the average
household an additional $300-$400 per month by this time next year. People need an answer –
YTB is that answer – now let’s get out there and give them the answer.
Thanks to Bill Hoffman for this great information!
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