#1 way…pick them up! Especially with the price of gas, tell them that you’re going to be passing their house on the way and you’d be happy to pick them up and maybe go to starbucks or something first, that way they don’t think the only reason you want to hang out with them is to try to sell them something.
#2 way…when you ask them to attend the presentation, and they say yes, end the phone call with 9 key words “I’m so glad that I can depend on you!” Think about it, if your friend said that to you wouldn’t you feel majorly, doubly, horribly bad for cancelling on them at the last minute if they were DEPENDING on you. So make sure you add that last hook, line and sinker when you get your yes to your invitation.
Bugging your friends: On that note, a lot of people say that they don’t want to “bug” their friends about this business…Ummmmm…Hellloooo!!! If your friend knew about the next Starbucks wouldn’t you want them to tell you?! That’s what you have…the next big thing! You’re doing your friends a FAVOR by telling them about it! Not bugging them! They are going to thank you for it, but you have to get them to the presentation first! By the way, if you’ve invited your “friends” to a presentation three or more times and you’ve told them that it would mean a lot to you if they go and they have failed to come…then are they really your friends? You might want to look into that. If they trusted you then they’d have no problem spending two hours of their life to do something that meant a lot to you. Think about it, would you do it for them?
So you want to know my Secret for Success in Everything that I do
...from receiving the Senior of the Year Award with an Engineering Degree, to a scholarship to Law School, to passing the California State Bar, to owning millions of dollars of real estate by the time I was 25, to becoming a YTB Director my first 9 months and making over $100,000 my first year with YTB?? So you wanna know huh? Then watch this video...and run it through your mind as the first thing you do EVERYDAY when you wake up...make it your best habit.
As the Leader of Team PRIDE, I strive to enact my mission statement every day, and give you the tools that you need to be successful.
My mission: To mentor and empower people to discover and live their life's purpose and to awaken their entrepreneurial spirit. Are you ready to succeed?
Would you like to receive a $5000 Leadership Education for only $100?
If you’ve heard of The Secret, then you’ve heard of Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul)….
He provides a one week training course that based off of his book Principles of Success. To learn more about the course, go to http://www.canfieldtrainings.com/#register
The course costs over $5,000 with airfare, hotel, etc. I’ll be attending the Success Course right after the YTB National Convention and I’d like to share the knowledge, information, resources, handouts and success tools with all of you, because I think they all apply to Success in life and Success in your YTB business.
If you’d like to participate in a four day training conference call (each call will be 2 hours and all calls will be taped so that if you can’t make it on the call you can listen to the archives) when I return wherein I will share with you all of the information and success tools that I learned at the course. Please respond with “I’M READY FOR SUCCESS” in the subject line and I’ll send you a paypal invoice for $100. You’ll also be emailed all of the handouts, training materials, etc as email attachments.I’ll take my time, I’ll take care of the travel arrangements, put up the money etc and you get the benefits just like you were there….for only $100.
I look forward to working closer with you.
Sabrina Dagostino
Engineer, Attorney, Broker
Travel Professional
Level 1 Director
Super Sonic Award Winner, 2007
Coach's Birthday Bash Winner, 2007
Top Ten Power Team Directors, 2008
OCBJ Nominee for Entrepreneur of the Year, 2006
OC Metro Entrepreneur Centerfold, April 2007
Buy the Book Living Life Residually at http://www.sabrinadagostino.com/
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