Thursday, November 13, 2008

Canada, eh?

Good Morning All,

I just got back from Canada..After 3 whirlwind YTB presentations, spending
time with new YTB friends, experiencing Salt and Vinegar popcorn (definitely
interesting) ..I left 6 inches of fresh snow - the first snow of the year -
and came back to sunny California. A difference of over 50 degrees, in a
matter of a 5 hour plane ride.

I always find it interesting how you can be in one location one day, another
country the next, speaking a different language and eating things that you
never would have at "home". You've gotta love travel.

That's what it's all about.

Those experiences.

That's life.

They can take away your job, they can take away your house..but they can
never, never take away your experiences and your memories.

That's what you should be building.


For those of you who purchased my book or training CDs.YTB has released the
hold and you will be receiving them before the end of November. Thank you
for your patience.

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