Thursday, June 26, 2008

How To Get Gas For $1 Per Gallon!
Right now more than ever the price is gas is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Right now this
is what everyone is talking about and what is coming up in more conversations than anything
BUT…did you know that as a YTB Home Based Business Owner your gas ‘should’ be only
costing you $1 per gallon? Now before you start thinking…“Man, that coach is amazing, what
oil company did he cut a deal with?” - let me say that no matter what home-based business
you’re in you can make these gas prices work for you and EXPLODE your business like never
before because all gimmicks aside, this is real, your gas only has to cost you $1 per gallon!

Here’s how it works:
1) The IRS provides a .52 cent tax write off for every mile you drive that is legitimately
related to business.
2) People who do not own a business CANNOT qualify for this tax write off.
3) Everywhere you go, whether its work, church, the kid’s soccer game, or just going to the
store can be a legitimate mileage tax write off if you insert business into the equation.
This is EASY to do! It can be done by leaving YTB business cards on peoples
windshields, handing people YTB business cards (or Success From Home Magazines),
or of course doing a presentation.
Note: You must record your business mileage in case you ever get audited and this is
where it typically becomes a sticking point with most people as they do not want to take
the time, can’t take the time or forget.

If that’s you here’s what you need to do immediately: Go to (this is a FREE service) and sign up. Now you can simply call a phone number before, during or even after you’ve driven somewhere (that was business related) and leave a voice message such “Soccer game handed out 3 business cards – 14 miles” and hang up. This FREE service will convert your
message to text and log our it in an online mileage log for you.
4) So here’s the $1 per gallon formula – (working with round numbers)
• $4.00 Per Gallon
• 20 Miles Per Gallon
• .50 Cents Per Mile IRS Deduction
• 30% Tax Bracket
Those of you with math brains can do the calculation but the basics are – a 20 miles per
gallon vehicle at $4 per gallon cost .20 cents per mile to drive.
.50 cents per mile IRS deduction x 30% tax bracket is .15 cents in real money you
pocket at the end of the year and when you deduct .15 cents from .20 cents your at .05
cents per mile or $1 per gallon! These are real dollars/savings and real cash in your
pocket at the end of the year.
You might be saying “Wow, this sounds great – I see it and I’m excited that my YTB business is
going to help me save $3 per gallon on my fuel cost – I’m going to business wherever I go and
log my miles”.
PLEASE whatever you do - don’t miss the bigger picture!
The big picture here is that these gas prices could be the best thing that has ever happened for
in YTB. In fact, when you grab hold of what I am about to share you’re going to pray that gas
goes to $10 per gallon – think about it.
If you do what we’re talking about - what is going to happen in your YTB business? If you’re
handing out and extra 3 to 5 business cards per day and/or collecting 3 to 5 new email
addresses for your ATM - You’re going to make some MONEY!!
BUT…it gets even better – you can now call anyone you want and set an appointment to look at
YTB because now you have the perfect appointment getting script!
Everywhere I go people ask me how to approach people, they ask me how to talk to people
about their YTB business, they ask me how to get appointments, they ask me for the secret
words and want to know how to approach strangers. Well, in this $1 per gallon solution you
now have the silver bullet – the magic words you need to get dozens of appointments to share
YTB at will. How do I know? Because I’ve talked with YTB reps who are using this and just to
give you one example – The day I first came across this $1 per gallon concept - A gentleman
named Lucas in Michigan using this script immediately made 6 calls and got 6 appointments in
a half hour and last I knew his schedule was so full of YTB presentations he can’t keep up.

So what do you think of these gas prices?” (Wait for prospect to answer)
“Ya, know it’s really not affecting us – with this travel business I own, we’re only paying $1 a
gallon” (Wait for prospect to wake up from fainting)
“Was wondering if you’d like some information?” (Set the appointment)
That’s it – !

Now you’re probably saying “What does he say when he sits down with them?” – I’m glad you
asked. When he sits down with them he outlines the 4 steps we talked about a few paragraphs
ago how the IRS allows .52 cents per mile and how people cannot qualify for it unless they own
a business then he tells them “I chose a home-based business to get my gas for $1 per gallon
because of the low overhead and the one I settled on was YTB because its travel related and
had no inventory and they are a fast growing up and coming large travel agency and travel is
fun, etc. You need a home based business or the price of gas is going to eat you alive – let me
show you in a little more detail why I recommend YTB”. (Do the presentation)
(In Lucas’ area they’ve even started using this at their weekly meeting and the success has
been phenomenal.)
So let recap:
Everywhere you go, everyone you meet you’re going to ask them “If I could show you how to
get gas for $1 per gallon would you want more info?” and then your’ going to set the
appointment to show them YTB. Now they might think you’re selling some sort of gas additive
so you might want to qualify your statement by saying “and I’m not selling any kind of gas
When you sit down with them (you can do this in the hotel lobby before your group meeting as
well) explain to them that the IRS gives .52 cents per mile as tax write off for people who own
businesses and there is no gimmick to this – they can legitimately get their cost of gas down to
around $1 per gallon if they follow our formula. Tell them that they need a home based
business for this reason and you’ve chosen to work with YTB because if you have to own a
business – YTB is the best.
This is truly the easiest YTB appointment getting script you will ever find and because people
are hurting and need solutions to the financial pain they are feeling. YTB is their solution and
now you have an approach that will shock them and get their attention and if done right will get
you the appointment everytime.
If you like paying $3 a gallon more than me then by all means don’t do this – and if you’re not
willing to turn your everyday miles into business miles please don’t let me see you sitting in line
the next time you see low gas prices somewhere (hmmm…actually that might not be a bad
recruiting idea?)
Perhaps you know a few people that might want to save $3 per gallon on their gas?
The stats are showing that the increase prices in energy and food is going to cost the average
household an additional $300-$400 per month by this time next year. People need an answer –
YTB is that answer – now let’s get out there and give them the answer.

Thanks to Bill Hoffman for this great information!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Monday! The Beach is Gorgeous today! Hope you're able to enjoy the beautiful weather and if you're not then put yourself in a position to enjoy it next summer!

Need More Sign Ups?

It’s all about the law of averages.When you’re new, make up in numbers what you lack in skill. That means that everyone can be successful.The law of averages can be increased….talk to 10, get 1. The next time you talk to 10, you get 2….that means you’re getting better!

If you bat 300 in baseball they pay you $4 million a year….THAT MEANS THAT YOU MISS 7 TIMES OUT OF 10. You MISS 7 times out of 10!!You don’t have to bat 1000 to make big money.1 out of 10 is fine.2 out of 10 is terrific.3 out of 10 is amazing and enough to make you rich This is how I went after my friends and family in the beginning, just say “look, I just started a new business and I’m getting about 3 people out of 10 to join. I just need you to be one of the seven that doesn’t join!” HA! It’s all about numbers!

Your FREE…..
Ha! These were the words spoken by an 18 year old high school valedictorian at my little brother’s graduation ceremony this past week. Someone needs to tell her that it’s just the beginning!
But that’s how it is. When you’re going through something in your life, a drama, a difficult time, a challenging period in your life – it’s very easy to think that this is it. this is as hard as it can possibly be. But put it in perspective….think about the thousands of homeless people standing in soup kitchen lines tonight, think about the mother’s who have to leave their children at home at night to take on a second job and can’t afford a babysitter, think about the families that are dealing with someone dying from cancer or some other terminal disease. Count your blessings, know that if God puts you through it, he’ll get you through it. Know that it will get better. Remember, life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain!

Only 10 days left to PRE-order my book until the price goes up!

From one millionaire to another - Sabrina

Monday, June 16, 2008

Find Existing Networkers

The best way to grow your business is to find already existing network marketers. Why? Because they already believe in it, and that’s half the battle. So go back to all of the people who asked YOU to go to a “business opportunity” meeting, and ask them if they’d rather be selling dreams (aka TRAVEL) OR death (insurance sales), plastic (Tupperware), make up (mary kay and arbonne), etc. And as far as vitamins…here’s my take on that: My mom has been trying to get me to take vitamins for 29 years…if she hasn’t gotten me to do it, I doubt anyone else will.
So ask all those other MLMers:
Questions for Any "Competitor"1) How many sales do you and your teams need to make to get the Medical Benefits? (500 Director 1st Level)
2) How many sales do you and your teams need to make to get the Life Insurance $150,000? (500 Director 1st Level)
3) How many sales do you and your teams need to make to get the $1,000,000 Stock Bonus? 25,000
4) How many sales do you and your teams need to make to get Any Amount of Stock? ($50,000) 2,000 (Dir.2nd Level)
5) How many sales do you and your teams need to make to get the $1,000 Bonus? 12 (6 in Your PowerTeam)
6) How many sales do you and your teams need to make to get the $10,000 Bonus? 106 (100 in Your PowerTeam)
7) How many sales do you and your teams need to make to get the Monthly Profit Share $2,000? 500 (1st level Director)8) Is Your Company a Publicly Traded Company? Yes
9) What is Your Company Stock selling for right now today? YTB- $1.77
10) Where is Your Company Ranked in the Travel Weekly Magazine? YTB - 11th Leisure 35th All Travel Combined
11) Is Your Founder ranked in the 33 Most Influential People in the Travel Industry? YES (Kim Sorenson)
12) Whatever Your Pay Plan is can it be Changed for the Worse? Ever? YTB - NO! Guaranteed? In Writing? YES!
13) Is your Company a member of the Direct Sellers Association, DSA? Yes
14)How long has Your Company been in business? YTB is in our 8th Year
15) Has Your Company been featured in Two Success From Home Magazines? Yes 2007 & 2008
16) Does Your Company have Fishing, Hunting, Outdoors Adventures and a online Store (Like a Bass Pro Shop)? YTB YES
17) Does Your Company produce a Monthly Magazine, and a Monthly Movie and You could be in it? Yes
18) Did Your Company show a profit of nearly $4,000,000 in the last 3 Quarters? Yes
19) Has Your Company Sold more than $100,000,000 in Travel in a year? Yes $414,000,000.00 - 2007
20) Do You ever Lose Anyone in the pay plan, do they Break Away, Flush, Wash, Shave, or Go-Away? YTB - NO, NEVER
21) Does Everyone Always count toward your Directorship levels? Yes
22) Is there a Minimum, Quota or a Deadline that you could miss and not get Paid on Any of Your Team? YTB-No-Way
23) Has Your Company Booked nearly 14,000 in one week equivalent Cruises? Carnival on Nov 8th YES
24) Was Your Company Founder a Pastor, does his Family choose to work with him, is he All In, did he go All In for YOU, has he been #1 before, can he do it again, will your founders do a presentation for you and your guest 3 times a month and buy them Lunch? Red Carpet Day Please Come Join me and See for yourself why I believe YTB is the #1 Choice and will be the #1 Travel Company in the World! Join YTB for the "Ride of Your Life"

Buy the book! Living Life Residually at

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Newsletter #4

Happy Thursday.....Another Day in Paradise here in Newport Beach California!

Did you know that only 6% of American workers say they love their jobs?
And, over 50% say they hate their jobs. It is estimated that this reality costs American companies over $300 Billion annually just on stress-related claims. And this doesn’t even consider what it costs companies in terms of absenteeism, turnover, and loss of creativity and productivity. When you add it all up, the cost is in the trillions!

Here’s the good news: It doesn’t have to be that way!

YTB can set you free! I hardly ever drive in traffic anymore, but the once in a while I do to get to a presentation I’m amazed at how unhappy the people sitting in the cars look. They are zombies. Driving to and from somewhere that they don’t want to be, just to afford the house that they’re never in! I want to get out of my car and knock on the windows and say “there’s a better way!” and hand them my ytb card!!

See, “normalcy” is all based on the thoughts or ideas you repeat to yourself over and over again because you think they’re the truth.

If you tell yourself that your fat over and over again, then you’re going to believe you’re fat. If you tell yourself you’re a gorgeous bombshell over and over again, then you’re going to start believing it and seeing a different picture of yourself in the mirror. And the best part is that your confidence will make other people see a gorgeous bombshell as well!
Here’s the truth about you:

· Life is not meant to be a struggle. It’s meant to be joyously abundant, in every area of your life.
· You were born to be great, but conditioned into mediocrity · “You were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.” Marianne Williamson · You are in infinite abundance, right here, right now.
· You have infinite power to create anything you want.
· You have infinite knowledge and wisdom.
· You are capable of experiencing infinite feelings of joyfulness and peace, love and appreciation.
· You are a magnificent human being and have just as much right to have and experience everything life has to offer as anyone else.

There is a universe/dimension that exists right now where you have all the money you’ve ever dreamed of.

There is a universe/dimension that exists right now where you have the car, the house, the toys and everything else you want.

There is a universe/dimension that exists right now where you are in the perfect, loving relationship.

There is a universe/dimension that exists right now where you’re body is an expression of perfect and vibrant health.

You are always choosing the universe/dimension you are participating in.
Your thoughts determine your feelings, and your feelings create a vibration that determines which of the universes you are in alignment with. That is the way the law of attraction that you have been hearing about on Oprah, Larry King and others works.

So here’s the bad news: the ONLY thing in the way of you having EVERYTHING you want in your life is YOU!

And here’s the good news: the ONLY thing in the way of you having EVERYTHING you want in your life is YOU!

And what is determining the you that you are is your beliefs, which are mostly limiting and dis-empowering. But all you have to do to change anything in your life is to change your beliefs about the thing. Simple, not easy. Why? Because most of our beliefs are buried deeply in our subconscious minds. And we are mostly unaware of them.

Your destiny is about a CHOICE, not based on CHANCE.

Have a great day.

PS. As always, I welcome your comments about what I write in this newsletter.
P.S.S Would you like to receive a $5000 Leadership Education for only $100?
If you’ve heard of The Secret, then you’ve heard of Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul)….
He provides a one week training course that based off of his book Principles of Success. To learn more about the course, go to
The course costs over $5,000 with airfare, hotel, etc. I’ll be attending the Success Course right after the YTB National Convention and I’d like to share the knowledge, information, resources, handouts and success tools with all of you, because I think they all apply to Success in life and Success in your YTB business.
If you’d like to participate in a four day training conference call (each call will be 2 hours and all calls will be taped so that if you can’t make it on the call you can listen to the archives) when I return wherein I will share with you all of the information and success tools that I learned at the course. Please respond with “I’M READY FOR SUCCESS” in the subject line and I’ll send you a paypal invoice for $100. You’ll also be emailed all of the handouts, training materials, etc as email attachments.I’ll take my time, I’ll take care of the travel arrangements, put up the money etc and you get the benefits just like you were there….for only $100.
I look forward to working closer with you.

Sabrina Dagostino
Engineer, Attorney, Broker
Travel Professional
Level 1 Director
Super Sonic Award Winner, 2007
Coach's Birthday Bash Winner, 2007
OCBJ Nominee for Entrepreneur of the Year, 2006
OC Metro Entrepreneur Centerfold, April 2007

Buy the Book Living Life Residually at

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


How to get people to presentations: I’ve always said that the best way to grow your business is to get people to travel presentations, whether they are in a hotel room, at someone’s else or to a one on one presentation…get them there! I’ve received a few questions about how to get people there….
#1 way…pick them up! Especially with the price of gas, tell them that you’re going to be passing their house on the way and you’d be happy to pick them up and maybe go to starbucks or something first, that way they don’t think the only reason you want to hang out with them is to try to sell them something.
#2 way…when you ask them to attend the presentation, and they say yes, end the phone call with 9 key words “I’m so glad that I can depend on you!” Think about it, if your friend said that to you wouldn’t you feel majorly, doubly, horribly bad for cancelling on them at the last minute if they were DEPENDING on you. So make sure you add that last hook, line and sinker when you get your yes to your invitation.

Bugging your friends: On that note, a lot of people say that they don’t want to “bug” their friends about this business…Ummmmm…Hellloooo!!! If your friend knew about the next Starbucks wouldn’t you want them to tell you?! That’s what you have…the next big thing! You’re doing your friends a FAVOR by telling them about it! Not bugging them! They are going to thank you for it, but you have to get them to the presentation first! By the way, if you’ve invited your “friends” to a presentation three or more times and you’ve told them that it would mean a lot to you if they go and they have failed to come…then are they really your friends? You might want to look into that. If they trusted you then they’d have no problem spending two hours of their life to do something that meant a lot to you. Think about it, would you do it for them?

So you want to know my Secret for Success in Everything that I do
...from receiving the Senior of the Year Award with an Engineering Degree, to a scholarship to Law School, to passing the California State Bar, to owning millions of dollars of real estate by the time I was 25, to becoming a YTB Director my first 9 months and making over $100,000 my first year with YTB?? So you wanna know huh? Then watch this video...and run it through your mind as the first thing you do EVERYDAY when you wake up...make it your best habit.

As the Leader of Team PRIDE, I strive to enact my mission statement every day, and give you the tools that you need to be successful.
My mission: To mentor and empower people to discover and live their life's purpose and to awaken their entrepreneurial spirit. Are you ready to succeed?

Would you like to receive a $5000 Leadership Education for only $100?

If you’ve heard of The Secret, then you’ve heard of Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul)….
He provides a one week training course that based off of his book Principles of Success. To learn more about the course, go to
The course costs over $5,000 with airfare, hotel, etc. I’ll be attending the Success Course right after the YTB National Convention and I’d like to share the knowledge, information, resources, handouts and success tools with all of you, because I think they all apply to Success in life and Success in your YTB business.
If you’d like to participate in a four day training conference call (each call will be 2 hours and all calls will be taped so that if you can’t make it on the call you can listen to the archives) when I return wherein I will share with you all of the information and success tools that I learned at the course. Please respond with “I’M READY FOR SUCCESS” in the subject line and I’ll send you a paypal invoice for $100. You’ll also be emailed all of the handouts, training materials, etc as email attachments.I’ll take my time, I’ll take care of the travel arrangements, put up the money etc and you get the benefits just like you were there….for only $100.
I look forward to working closer with you.

Sabrina Dagostino
Engineer, Attorney, Broker
Travel Professional
Level 1 Director
Super Sonic Award Winner, 2007
Coach's Birthday Bash Winner, 2007
Top Ten Power Team Directors, 2008
OCBJ Nominee for Entrepreneur of the Year, 2006
OC Metro Entrepreneur Centerfold, April 2007

Buy the Book Living Life Residually at

Monday, June 9, 2008

Newsletter #2, June 9, 2008

Team PRIDE Newsletter #2, June 9, 2009

Wow! I just came back from Yosemite and Sequoia National Forest…what a great way to reconnect.
I’d like to talk to you about three things today:
The Power of Intention, Changing Plans, and Survival.
(For Pictures and Videos of all my trips, check out

The Power of Intention: As I watched the babbling brook, turn into a creek, and then a river and then into Class 5 roaring rapids that crashed through trees and formed rocks and brought with it anything in its path, I realized the sheer power that the water had. Water: our life blood, not able to survive without it for more than 5 days and the #1 cause of death in Yosemite is drowning. But that water carved a path through the mountain, and every day that path gets more and more defined as the snow melts on the top of the mountain and comes rushing down with the spring sun. The water has an intention to make it through the mountain, notwithstanding anything that comes in its way. Do you have that same intention? The intention to be successful in YTB no matter what challenges come your way? No matter what anyone says? And more importantly, do your actions show that intention?

Changing Plans: Our original plan for our one week RV vacation was to hit Yosemite for a few days, and then make our way over to San Francisco…until two things happened. 1) we looked at the map and decided that the road to get there was a little too rough for a 32’ RV and we figured that walking the streets of San Francisco wouldn’t be a great place for my dog…a 140 pd Rottweiler. So our plans changed. This happens all the time in life. You make a plan, and God laughs. Things happen and we are rerouted. Maybe this happened to you in the past few months with your job. At the time you received your pink slip, things probably seemed like they couldn’t get worse. And then someone introduced you to YTB. And who knew that in just a few short months of working YTB you’d be able to support your family and not have to worry about having a job ever again. We don’t know why bad things happen to us, but you have to trust that they all happen for a reason. You can’t find the universe. When one door closes, another one opens…plans change…and you have to go with the flow. We all fall down, but what’s important is how fast you pick yourself back up.

Survival: Take a look at the below picture. It’s one of the trees we ran across in Sequoia National Park….look closer. Do you see how the roots literally grew through the rock? That’s what it had to do to survive. The other trees might have told him that it wasn’t possible. The other trees might have laughed at him at the beginning of his feat. But he tried it anyway and everyday his roots broke through a little farther, he succeeded and the tree survived. Things are tough right now. Companies are laying off, the price of gas is record breaking and it’s cheaper to go out to eat then to buy groceries. But YTB is your survival plan. If you keep making progress every day, eventually you will break through the rock, you’ll find your go getters and your business will take off. Your friends might tell you that succeeding in network marketing is impossible, and they might laugh at you for trying…but while they are laughing - you are making progress and you are surviving and one day soon, when they have to wake up at 5am to pay $5/gallon for gas to get to a job that they don’t want to go to just so they can afford the $5/gallon gas and you are sleeping in on a Wednesday morning, working from home and making more money than they are, working less than they are and enjoying life more than they could ever dream of…it will no longer be a laughing matter. YTB is your survival plan. You just have to work it.

Would you like to receive a $5000 Leadership Education for only $100? If you’ve heard of The Secret, then you’ve heard of Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul)…. He provides a one week training course that based off of his book Principles of Success. To learn more about the course, go to The course costs over $5,000 with airfare, hotel, etc. I’ll be attending the Success Course right after the YTB National Convention and I’d like to share the knowledge, information, resources, handouts and success tools with all of you, because I think they all apply to Success in life and Success in your YTB business. If you’d like to participate in a four day training conference call (each call will be 2 hours and all calls will be taped so that if you can’t make it on the call you can listen to the archives) when I return wherein I will share with you all of the information and success tools that I learned at the course. Please respond with “I’M READY FOR SUCCESS” in the subject line and I’ll send you a paypal invoice for $100. You’ll also be emailed all of the handouts, training materials, etc as email attachments.I’ll take my time, I’ll take care of the travel arrangements, put up the money etc and you get the benefits just like you were there….for only $100. I look forward to working closer with you.

Buy the Book Living Life Residually at

Team Pride Newsletter #1 / June 1, 2008

I never realized how hard this Newsletter would be to right…not because I don’t know what to say but because I want to make sure I say the right things to help all of you out there. I want this for you more than you want it for yourself because I know how good it’s going to be when you get on that stage! I hope the following information inspires, motivates and educates you to the top!

Wow! Did you hear Coach?
Hopefully you’ve had a chance to hear Coach as he makes his way around the country. This past Saturday he was in Orange County, California and both the morning and the afternoon session were rocking! He explained the importance of not giving into your past limitations. He told a story about a dog who was tethered to a tree on a very short leash and he kept trying and trying to get a few feet past where his leash would let him go, but he wasn’t able to because the leash was too short. Every day he’d try and tug the leash, but it wouldn’t let him get to where he wanted to be. Finally, he gave up, and stopped trying to get free. And then one day, his owner took off the leash and the dog was able to go anywhere he chose. But the dog had stopped trying. He let his past limitations determine his future and that’s what so many of us in YTB do all the time. We let the fear of rejection determine whether we want to talk to someone new at the grocery store, we let our past failures determine our worth. But YTB sets you free, and you can go anywhere you want to go…but it’s up to you to try.

Passion Planning:
Passion without a plan can be wasted energy but when property used, passion can be the compelling force for catapulting your dreams forward. Discover what you are passionate about and it will lead you to your reason for being here and to profound dreams. Spend a period of time; a weekend, a month, a year doing what you love or what touches you. Follow your dreams and look for common threads. During the times of your life when you felt the most alive, what were you doing and who were you being? Once you get a closer look at who you are when you are at your happiest and most productive, you can duplicate that into what you do for a living! I find that my best days are when I start off with thanking the universe for everything I have…even the small things like toothpaste…it’s all about the Attitude of Gratitude and when you start thinking more positively you start getting more positive things attracted to your life.

BONUS thought:If someone in your team has scheduled you to give a presentation and they call you a few days before telling you that no one has RSVP’d and they’d like to cancel the presentation….this is your response” Well then, I guess you have a little work to do to get some different people there!”See your time is valuable…besides, you are a future YTB Director!! So if someone schedules you to give a presentation…by golly….you’re giving a presentation! You reserved that night for a presentation and you have a life too, so make sure your team knows how important you are as a presenter and makes having a presentation and getting a piece of your time a big deal. Success is an attitude, you first have to choose to be successful and then you can be. Have you made that decision yet?

Would you like to receive a $5000 Leadership Education for only $100?
If you’ve heard of The Secret, then you’ve heard of Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul)….
He provides a one week training course that based off of his book Principles of Success. To learn more about the course, go to
The course costs over $5,000 with airfare, hotel, etc. I’ll be attending the Success Course right after the YTB National Convention and I’d like to share the knowledge, information, resources, handouts and success tools with all of you, because I think they all apply to Success in life and Success in your YTB business.
If you’d like to participate in a four day training conference call (each call will be 2 hours and all calls will be taped so that if you can’t make it on the call you can listen to the archives) when I return wherein I will share with you all of the information and success tools that I learned at the course. Please respond with “I’M READY FOR SUCCESS” in the subject line and I’ll send you a paypal invoice for $100. You’ll also be emailed all of the handouts, training materials, etc as email attachments.I’ll take my time, I’ll take care of the travel arrangements, put up the money etc and you get the benefits just like you were there….for only $100.
I look forward to working closer with you.

Buy the Book Living Life Residually at