Thursday, November 13, 2008

Canada, eh?

Good Morning All,

I just got back from Canada..After 3 whirlwind YTB presentations, spending
time with new YTB friends, experiencing Salt and Vinegar popcorn (definitely
interesting) ..I left 6 inches of fresh snow - the first snow of the year -
and came back to sunny California. A difference of over 50 degrees, in a
matter of a 5 hour plane ride.

I always find it interesting how you can be in one location one day, another
country the next, speaking a different language and eating things that you
never would have at "home". You've gotta love travel.

That's what it's all about.

Those experiences.

That's life.

They can take away your job, they can take away your house..but they can
never, never take away your experiences and your memories.

That's what you should be building.


For those of you who purchased my book or training CDs.YTB has released the
hold and you will be receiving them before the end of November. Thank you
for your patience.

More Newsletter entries can be found at or at

Monday, August 25, 2008

Team Pride Newsletter

This is truly the first opportunity I've had after a YTB whirlwind of the 2008 National Convention in St. Louis, giving 4 presentations in 5 days in Canada, fighting Laryngitis, and then a Convention Extension this past weekend in Costa Mesa. I'm humbled by all of your wonderful and touching emails and look forward to meeting you all at upcoming events.

Last night we had one of the best events ever! There was 100+ people in the room, great energy and a very high sign up of my highest ever.
But having given 126 presentations in 90 days, here's the #1 question people ask me all the time: How do you get them there?? What's the point of having a presentation if no one shows up?!

Well, here's the basics:
When I first started giving presentations, I only had 2 people in the room, after inviting 100. Those two people turned into 4, and then 10...and that's all I needed to get me started.

Next, it's a numbers game...seriously. The more people that you ask, the more people are going to say no, and the more people are going to say yes. It's a game of statistics....

And then there's of course the one soon as they say it's not for them, or no thank you: here's a few of my favorite lines:

1) "yeah, you're probably wouldn't be any good at this", does that make people mad!
2) "I don't care if you don't do it, I DO care if you don't see it"
3) "I really appreciate your opinion, but I'd appreciate it a lot more if it was an educated one. Come to the presentation and then you can tell me NO"

If you’re in the Southern California area, you’re welcome to join us for a team Beach Bonfire, September 6th from 6pm-10pm in Huntington Beach. Details are on my website.

For more one liners, conversation starters and presentation ideas...visit and Pre-order your copy of my new book Living Life Residually

Friday, July 25, 2008

How does it feel?

I had someone ask me the following question today:
“So what does it feel like to be a millionaire?”
I’m sure my face went blank for a few seconds. See I always knew that I would be a multi-millionaire, probably since I was 13 years old, I just didn’t know when, or how. So when it happened, it just felt that it was always there and always belonged…I never really celebrated any determining moment (and therefore will be buying a bottle of champagne for tonight for a little post celebrating! )

…and I’m sure that being a millionaire means different things for different people. For some it means fancy clothes, jewelry, a nice house, bragging rights, etc. For some, it means being about to donate to charity, vacations and quitting their jobs.

For me…for me being a millionaire means having peace of mind. I no longer have to call the credit card companies before I go to the grocery store to make sure there’s enough of a balance on the card. I no longer have to spend hours looking at all of the bills to try and figure out how to rob Peter to pay Paul. I no longer have to live in my garage and eat out of tuna fish cans. I don’t have to borrow money from friends to put gas in my car.

Don’t get me wrong….the ability to buy whatever you want is an amazing feeling, and I acknowledge how fortunate I am to live on the beach (they say if you’re lucky enough to live at the beach, you’re lucky enough!) and I mean yes, I plan on buying about 10 acres of gorgeous oceanfront property in Oregon but I plan on using it as a YTB retreat for all of my Coach’s Corner members and Directors on Team Pride.

It’s amazing what you can do with your mind when it isn’t trying to figure out how you’re going to pay for things. The things your mind can create when it isn't covered by stress will amaze you.

And if you’re a firm believer in the law of attraction like I am, then you should NOT be thinking “I’m so glad I don’t have any credit card debt” or “I’ve paid off all of my debt”…because what you’re thinking about is debt, and that’s what you’ll get more of! Act like a millionaire, think like a millionaire, live like a millionaire and you will achieve millionaire status!

They say money doesn’t buy happiness…and to a certain extent I agree – but I don’t see very many poor people who are happy that they can’t send their kids to piano lessons. I don’t see very many people happy about the fact that they’ve lost their homes. I don’t see very many people happy about the fact that they’ve lost their jobs and have spent their retirement money. So no, money doesn’t buy happiness, but it sure as heck doesn’t hurt!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

What Would You Do?

What would you do?

I took an early morning walk on the beach this morning. Mind you, I'm not a morning person, but as I lay there in bed, having being given the gift of financial freedom and the luxury to wake up whenever I choose, I've taken pieces of it for granted.
Laying there, I thought about all the millions of people who had to wake up around the country/world this morning, hop in the shower, grab some breakfast and rush out the door, only to go sit in traffic to go to a job that they probably don't like. And here, I live at the beach and haven't fully maximized on my ability to take a morning beach walk. I realized how many people would love to have my life, and yet I haven't been making the best use out of the life I've been given.
I'm changing that as of today.
And as the salty cool breeze whipped through my hair as I stood at the end of the pier, I ask you these questions in the most serious nature. I ask you these questions to provoke emotion, whether it be anger, greed, selfishness, love, compassion or joy…to make you really think. Stop going through life like a robot. Stop going through life on autopilot. Sometimes you have to stop, smack yourself and head in the other direction if you want to see results. Life is too short, too much is taken for granted.

What would you do if you just received a call indicating that your child has been in a terminal car accident? Would you wish you wouldn't have chosen the corporate meeting over his baseball game.

What would you do if you went home and found that your dog had died today? would you have stayed home from work and spent the day with him and made sure that he was comfortable in his final hours.

What would you do if you won the lottery tomorrow? would you quit your job, find out who your real friends are, take a long vacation...or donate half of it to charity?

What would you do if you could foresee the future and knew that a week from now your doctor is going to call you and tell you that you have Stage 4 Cancer? would you have watched the sunset last night with a loved one instead of watching "So you think you can dance?".

What would you do if you were able to quit your job today? Would you spend the next few months lying around the house or running errands or would you take the gift and find a way to contribute to the world?

What would you do? Life is too short. Appreciate every moment. Stop waiting for tomorrow to get started living.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sacrifice for FINANCIAL Freedom

FINANCIAL FREEDOMI hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend in celebration of our amazing country. We are truly blessed.In deciding where I wanted to spend the July 4th holiday weekend (which by the way is a wonderful thing to have the luxury to get to decide) I decided that there was no better place to celebrate our independence than at our Nation’s Capital. And as I sat on the lawn in front of the Lincoln Monument having passed by the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial earlier that day, I started thinking about the true price of freedom. The hundreds of thousands of lives, the laws, the democracy that makes this country great…the sacrifice.

And then I started thinking about the price of financial freedom. A sacrifice all in its own. Being financially independent and financially “free” requires a commitment. See everyone wants it, but only few attain it because they aren’t willing to make the same sacrifice. That means giving up your favorite TV show, working long hours until your business is on autopilot or you have enough money in investments to live off of etc. At the age of 21, when my friends were out partying, at bars, going to the movies, etc, I chose to go to law school. At the age of 25, when my peers and coworkers would leave work as soon as the clock stuck 5pm, I chose to work longer hours to make more money to save for another investment property. At the age of 28, when I was on the verge of losing it all, I lived in my garage, I ate out of tuna cans just so I wouldn’t lose my houses to foreclosure. Even when I had lots of money in the bank I chose to invest more than buy more “stuff” to keep up with the Jones’.

When I found YTB, I made a commitment to give one presentation every day for a 90 day period, we called it the 90 Day Blitz. My commitment started a momentum, and I ended up giving 126 YTB presentations over the 90 day blitz period. If you do the math, you'll see that there were several days where I was giving two and even three presentations a day.
These are all choices. Sacrifice. Commitment. It separates us from the rest. If it was easy, everyone would do it….do you have the commitment that it takes to be financially free? Ask yourself what you did last week to further your business, your personal goals and your purpose in life. If you made 3 phone calls, make 6 this week. If you went to the gym once, go twice this week. If you complimented 2 people last week, compliment 4. It's not who you are when you're a millionaire, it's who you become along the way.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

How To Get Gas For $1 Per Gallon!
Right now more than ever the price is gas is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Right now this
is what everyone is talking about and what is coming up in more conversations than anything
BUT…did you know that as a YTB Home Based Business Owner your gas ‘should’ be only
costing you $1 per gallon? Now before you start thinking…“Man, that coach is amazing, what
oil company did he cut a deal with?” - let me say that no matter what home-based business
you’re in you can make these gas prices work for you and EXPLODE your business like never
before because all gimmicks aside, this is real, your gas only has to cost you $1 per gallon!

Here’s how it works:
1) The IRS provides a .52 cent tax write off for every mile you drive that is legitimately
related to business.
2) People who do not own a business CANNOT qualify for this tax write off.
3) Everywhere you go, whether its work, church, the kid’s soccer game, or just going to the
store can be a legitimate mileage tax write off if you insert business into the equation.
This is EASY to do! It can be done by leaving YTB business cards on peoples
windshields, handing people YTB business cards (or Success From Home Magazines),
or of course doing a presentation.
Note: You must record your business mileage in case you ever get audited and this is
where it typically becomes a sticking point with most people as they do not want to take
the time, can’t take the time or forget.

If that’s you here’s what you need to do immediately: Go to (this is a FREE service) and sign up. Now you can simply call a phone number before, during or even after you’ve driven somewhere (that was business related) and leave a voice message such “Soccer game handed out 3 business cards – 14 miles” and hang up. This FREE service will convert your
message to text and log our it in an online mileage log for you.
4) So here’s the $1 per gallon formula – (working with round numbers)
• $4.00 Per Gallon
• 20 Miles Per Gallon
• .50 Cents Per Mile IRS Deduction
• 30% Tax Bracket
Those of you with math brains can do the calculation but the basics are – a 20 miles per
gallon vehicle at $4 per gallon cost .20 cents per mile to drive.
.50 cents per mile IRS deduction x 30% tax bracket is .15 cents in real money you
pocket at the end of the year and when you deduct .15 cents from .20 cents your at .05
cents per mile or $1 per gallon! These are real dollars/savings and real cash in your
pocket at the end of the year.
You might be saying “Wow, this sounds great – I see it and I’m excited that my YTB business is
going to help me save $3 per gallon on my fuel cost – I’m going to business wherever I go and
log my miles”.
PLEASE whatever you do - don’t miss the bigger picture!
The big picture here is that these gas prices could be the best thing that has ever happened for
in YTB. In fact, when you grab hold of what I am about to share you’re going to pray that gas
goes to $10 per gallon – think about it.
If you do what we’re talking about - what is going to happen in your YTB business? If you’re
handing out and extra 3 to 5 business cards per day and/or collecting 3 to 5 new email
addresses for your ATM - You’re going to make some MONEY!!
BUT…it gets even better – you can now call anyone you want and set an appointment to look at
YTB because now you have the perfect appointment getting script!
Everywhere I go people ask me how to approach people, they ask me how to talk to people
about their YTB business, they ask me how to get appointments, they ask me for the secret
words and want to know how to approach strangers. Well, in this $1 per gallon solution you
now have the silver bullet – the magic words you need to get dozens of appointments to share
YTB at will. How do I know? Because I’ve talked with YTB reps who are using this and just to
give you one example – The day I first came across this $1 per gallon concept - A gentleman
named Lucas in Michigan using this script immediately made 6 calls and got 6 appointments in
a half hour and last I knew his schedule was so full of YTB presentations he can’t keep up.

So what do you think of these gas prices?” (Wait for prospect to answer)
“Ya, know it’s really not affecting us – with this travel business I own, we’re only paying $1 a
gallon” (Wait for prospect to wake up from fainting)
“Was wondering if you’d like some information?” (Set the appointment)
That’s it – !

Now you’re probably saying “What does he say when he sits down with them?” – I’m glad you
asked. When he sits down with them he outlines the 4 steps we talked about a few paragraphs
ago how the IRS allows .52 cents per mile and how people cannot qualify for it unless they own
a business then he tells them “I chose a home-based business to get my gas for $1 per gallon
because of the low overhead and the one I settled on was YTB because its travel related and
had no inventory and they are a fast growing up and coming large travel agency and travel is
fun, etc. You need a home based business or the price of gas is going to eat you alive – let me
show you in a little more detail why I recommend YTB”. (Do the presentation)
(In Lucas’ area they’ve even started using this at their weekly meeting and the success has
been phenomenal.)
So let recap:
Everywhere you go, everyone you meet you’re going to ask them “If I could show you how to
get gas for $1 per gallon would you want more info?” and then your’ going to set the
appointment to show them YTB. Now they might think you’re selling some sort of gas additive
so you might want to qualify your statement by saying “and I’m not selling any kind of gas
When you sit down with them (you can do this in the hotel lobby before your group meeting as
well) explain to them that the IRS gives .52 cents per mile as tax write off for people who own
businesses and there is no gimmick to this – they can legitimately get their cost of gas down to
around $1 per gallon if they follow our formula. Tell them that they need a home based
business for this reason and you’ve chosen to work with YTB because if you have to own a
business – YTB is the best.
This is truly the easiest YTB appointment getting script you will ever find and because people
are hurting and need solutions to the financial pain they are feeling. YTB is their solution and
now you have an approach that will shock them and get their attention and if done right will get
you the appointment everytime.
If you like paying $3 a gallon more than me then by all means don’t do this – and if you’re not
willing to turn your everyday miles into business miles please don’t let me see you sitting in line
the next time you see low gas prices somewhere (hmmm…actually that might not be a bad
recruiting idea?)
Perhaps you know a few people that might want to save $3 per gallon on their gas?
The stats are showing that the increase prices in energy and food is going to cost the average
household an additional $300-$400 per month by this time next year. People need an answer –
YTB is that answer – now let’s get out there and give them the answer.

Thanks to Bill Hoffman for this great information!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Monday! The Beach is Gorgeous today! Hope you're able to enjoy the beautiful weather and if you're not then put yourself in a position to enjoy it next summer!

Need More Sign Ups?

It’s all about the law of averages.When you’re new, make up in numbers what you lack in skill. That means that everyone can be successful.The law of averages can be increased….talk to 10, get 1. The next time you talk to 10, you get 2….that means you’re getting better!

If you bat 300 in baseball they pay you $4 million a year….THAT MEANS THAT YOU MISS 7 TIMES OUT OF 10. You MISS 7 times out of 10!!You don’t have to bat 1000 to make big money.1 out of 10 is fine.2 out of 10 is terrific.3 out of 10 is amazing and enough to make you rich This is how I went after my friends and family in the beginning, just say “look, I just started a new business and I’m getting about 3 people out of 10 to join. I just need you to be one of the seven that doesn’t join!” HA! It’s all about numbers!

Your FREE…..
Ha! These were the words spoken by an 18 year old high school valedictorian at my little brother’s graduation ceremony this past week. Someone needs to tell her that it’s just the beginning!
But that’s how it is. When you’re going through something in your life, a drama, a difficult time, a challenging period in your life – it’s very easy to think that this is it. this is as hard as it can possibly be. But put it in perspective….think about the thousands of homeless people standing in soup kitchen lines tonight, think about the mother’s who have to leave their children at home at night to take on a second job and can’t afford a babysitter, think about the families that are dealing with someone dying from cancer or some other terminal disease. Count your blessings, know that if God puts you through it, he’ll get you through it. Know that it will get better. Remember, life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain!

Only 10 days left to PRE-order my book until the price goes up!

From one millionaire to another - Sabrina

Monday, June 16, 2008

Find Existing Networkers

The best way to grow your business is to find already existing network marketers. Why? Because they already believe in it, and that’s half the battle. So go back to all of the people who asked YOU to go to a “business opportunity” meeting, and ask them if they’d rather be selling dreams (aka TRAVEL) OR death (insurance sales), plastic (Tupperware), make up (mary kay and arbonne), etc. And as far as vitamins…here’s my take on that: My mom has been trying to get me to take vitamins for 29 years…if she hasn’t gotten me to do it, I doubt anyone else will.
So ask all those other MLMers:
Questions for Any "Competitor"1) How many sales do you and your teams need to make to get the Medical Benefits? (500 Director 1st Level)
2) How many sales do you and your teams need to make to get the Life Insurance $150,000? (500 Director 1st Level)
3) How many sales do you and your teams need to make to get the $1,000,000 Stock Bonus? 25,000
4) How many sales do you and your teams need to make to get Any Amount of Stock? ($50,000) 2,000 (Dir.2nd Level)
5) How many sales do you and your teams need to make to get the $1,000 Bonus? 12 (6 in Your PowerTeam)
6) How many sales do you and your teams need to make to get the $10,000 Bonus? 106 (100 in Your PowerTeam)
7) How many sales do you and your teams need to make to get the Monthly Profit Share $2,000? 500 (1st level Director)8) Is Your Company a Publicly Traded Company? Yes
9) What is Your Company Stock selling for right now today? YTB- $1.77
10) Where is Your Company Ranked in the Travel Weekly Magazine? YTB - 11th Leisure 35th All Travel Combined
11) Is Your Founder ranked in the 33 Most Influential People in the Travel Industry? YES (Kim Sorenson)
12) Whatever Your Pay Plan is can it be Changed for the Worse? Ever? YTB - NO! Guaranteed? In Writing? YES!
13) Is your Company a member of the Direct Sellers Association, DSA? Yes
14)How long has Your Company been in business? YTB is in our 8th Year
15) Has Your Company been featured in Two Success From Home Magazines? Yes 2007 & 2008
16) Does Your Company have Fishing, Hunting, Outdoors Adventures and a online Store (Like a Bass Pro Shop)? YTB YES
17) Does Your Company produce a Monthly Magazine, and a Monthly Movie and You could be in it? Yes
18) Did Your Company show a profit of nearly $4,000,000 in the last 3 Quarters? Yes
19) Has Your Company Sold more than $100,000,000 in Travel in a year? Yes $414,000,000.00 - 2007
20) Do You ever Lose Anyone in the pay plan, do they Break Away, Flush, Wash, Shave, or Go-Away? YTB - NO, NEVER
21) Does Everyone Always count toward your Directorship levels? Yes
22) Is there a Minimum, Quota or a Deadline that you could miss and not get Paid on Any of Your Team? YTB-No-Way
23) Has Your Company Booked nearly 14,000 in one week equivalent Cruises? Carnival on Nov 8th YES
24) Was Your Company Founder a Pastor, does his Family choose to work with him, is he All In, did he go All In for YOU, has he been #1 before, can he do it again, will your founders do a presentation for you and your guest 3 times a month and buy them Lunch? Red Carpet Day Please Come Join me and See for yourself why I believe YTB is the #1 Choice and will be the #1 Travel Company in the World! Join YTB for the "Ride of Your Life"

Buy the book! Living Life Residually at

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Newsletter #4

Happy Thursday.....Another Day in Paradise here in Newport Beach California!

Did you know that only 6% of American workers say they love their jobs?
And, over 50% say they hate their jobs. It is estimated that this reality costs American companies over $300 Billion annually just on stress-related claims. And this doesn’t even consider what it costs companies in terms of absenteeism, turnover, and loss of creativity and productivity. When you add it all up, the cost is in the trillions!

Here’s the good news: It doesn’t have to be that way!

YTB can set you free! I hardly ever drive in traffic anymore, but the once in a while I do to get to a presentation I’m amazed at how unhappy the people sitting in the cars look. They are zombies. Driving to and from somewhere that they don’t want to be, just to afford the house that they’re never in! I want to get out of my car and knock on the windows and say “there’s a better way!” and hand them my ytb card!!

See, “normalcy” is all based on the thoughts or ideas you repeat to yourself over and over again because you think they’re the truth.

If you tell yourself that your fat over and over again, then you’re going to believe you’re fat. If you tell yourself you’re a gorgeous bombshell over and over again, then you’re going to start believing it and seeing a different picture of yourself in the mirror. And the best part is that your confidence will make other people see a gorgeous bombshell as well!
Here’s the truth about you:

· Life is not meant to be a struggle. It’s meant to be joyously abundant, in every area of your life.
· You were born to be great, but conditioned into mediocrity · “You were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.” Marianne Williamson · You are in infinite abundance, right here, right now.
· You have infinite power to create anything you want.
· You have infinite knowledge and wisdom.
· You are capable of experiencing infinite feelings of joyfulness and peace, love and appreciation.
· You are a magnificent human being and have just as much right to have and experience everything life has to offer as anyone else.

There is a universe/dimension that exists right now where you have all the money you’ve ever dreamed of.

There is a universe/dimension that exists right now where you have the car, the house, the toys and everything else you want.

There is a universe/dimension that exists right now where you are in the perfect, loving relationship.

There is a universe/dimension that exists right now where you’re body is an expression of perfect and vibrant health.

You are always choosing the universe/dimension you are participating in.
Your thoughts determine your feelings, and your feelings create a vibration that determines which of the universes you are in alignment with. That is the way the law of attraction that you have been hearing about on Oprah, Larry King and others works.

So here’s the bad news: the ONLY thing in the way of you having EVERYTHING you want in your life is YOU!

And here’s the good news: the ONLY thing in the way of you having EVERYTHING you want in your life is YOU!

And what is determining the you that you are is your beliefs, which are mostly limiting and dis-empowering. But all you have to do to change anything in your life is to change your beliefs about the thing. Simple, not easy. Why? Because most of our beliefs are buried deeply in our subconscious minds. And we are mostly unaware of them.

Your destiny is about a CHOICE, not based on CHANCE.

Have a great day.

PS. As always, I welcome your comments about what I write in this newsletter.
P.S.S Would you like to receive a $5000 Leadership Education for only $100?
If you’ve heard of The Secret, then you’ve heard of Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul)….
He provides a one week training course that based off of his book Principles of Success. To learn more about the course, go to
The course costs over $5,000 with airfare, hotel, etc. I’ll be attending the Success Course right after the YTB National Convention and I’d like to share the knowledge, information, resources, handouts and success tools with all of you, because I think they all apply to Success in life and Success in your YTB business.
If you’d like to participate in a four day training conference call (each call will be 2 hours and all calls will be taped so that if you can’t make it on the call you can listen to the archives) when I return wherein I will share with you all of the information and success tools that I learned at the course. Please respond with “I’M READY FOR SUCCESS” in the subject line and I’ll send you a paypal invoice for $100. You’ll also be emailed all of the handouts, training materials, etc as email attachments.I’ll take my time, I’ll take care of the travel arrangements, put up the money etc and you get the benefits just like you were there….for only $100.
I look forward to working closer with you.

Sabrina Dagostino
Engineer, Attorney, Broker
Travel Professional
Level 1 Director
Super Sonic Award Winner, 2007
Coach's Birthday Bash Winner, 2007
OCBJ Nominee for Entrepreneur of the Year, 2006
OC Metro Entrepreneur Centerfold, April 2007

Buy the Book Living Life Residually at

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


How to get people to presentations: I’ve always said that the best way to grow your business is to get people to travel presentations, whether they are in a hotel room, at someone’s else or to a one on one presentation…get them there! I’ve received a few questions about how to get people there….
#1 way…pick them up! Especially with the price of gas, tell them that you’re going to be passing their house on the way and you’d be happy to pick them up and maybe go to starbucks or something first, that way they don’t think the only reason you want to hang out with them is to try to sell them something.
#2 way…when you ask them to attend the presentation, and they say yes, end the phone call with 9 key words “I’m so glad that I can depend on you!” Think about it, if your friend said that to you wouldn’t you feel majorly, doubly, horribly bad for cancelling on them at the last minute if they were DEPENDING on you. So make sure you add that last hook, line and sinker when you get your yes to your invitation.

Bugging your friends: On that note, a lot of people say that they don’t want to “bug” their friends about this business…Ummmmm…Hellloooo!!! If your friend knew about the next Starbucks wouldn’t you want them to tell you?! That’s what you have…the next big thing! You’re doing your friends a FAVOR by telling them about it! Not bugging them! They are going to thank you for it, but you have to get them to the presentation first! By the way, if you’ve invited your “friends” to a presentation three or more times and you’ve told them that it would mean a lot to you if they go and they have failed to come…then are they really your friends? You might want to look into that. If they trusted you then they’d have no problem spending two hours of their life to do something that meant a lot to you. Think about it, would you do it for them?

So you want to know my Secret for Success in Everything that I do
...from receiving the Senior of the Year Award with an Engineering Degree, to a scholarship to Law School, to passing the California State Bar, to owning millions of dollars of real estate by the time I was 25, to becoming a YTB Director my first 9 months and making over $100,000 my first year with YTB?? So you wanna know huh? Then watch this video...and run it through your mind as the first thing you do EVERYDAY when you wake up...make it your best habit.

As the Leader of Team PRIDE, I strive to enact my mission statement every day, and give you the tools that you need to be successful.
My mission: To mentor and empower people to discover and live their life's purpose and to awaken their entrepreneurial spirit. Are you ready to succeed?

Would you like to receive a $5000 Leadership Education for only $100?

If you’ve heard of The Secret, then you’ve heard of Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul)….
He provides a one week training course that based off of his book Principles of Success. To learn more about the course, go to
The course costs over $5,000 with airfare, hotel, etc. I’ll be attending the Success Course right after the YTB National Convention and I’d like to share the knowledge, information, resources, handouts and success tools with all of you, because I think they all apply to Success in life and Success in your YTB business.
If you’d like to participate in a four day training conference call (each call will be 2 hours and all calls will be taped so that if you can’t make it on the call you can listen to the archives) when I return wherein I will share with you all of the information and success tools that I learned at the course. Please respond with “I’M READY FOR SUCCESS” in the subject line and I’ll send you a paypal invoice for $100. You’ll also be emailed all of the handouts, training materials, etc as email attachments.I’ll take my time, I’ll take care of the travel arrangements, put up the money etc and you get the benefits just like you were there….for only $100.
I look forward to working closer with you.

Sabrina Dagostino
Engineer, Attorney, Broker
Travel Professional
Level 1 Director
Super Sonic Award Winner, 2007
Coach's Birthday Bash Winner, 2007
Top Ten Power Team Directors, 2008
OCBJ Nominee for Entrepreneur of the Year, 2006
OC Metro Entrepreneur Centerfold, April 2007

Buy the Book Living Life Residually at

Monday, June 9, 2008

Newsletter #2, June 9, 2008

Team PRIDE Newsletter #2, June 9, 2009

Wow! I just came back from Yosemite and Sequoia National Forest…what a great way to reconnect.
I’d like to talk to you about three things today:
The Power of Intention, Changing Plans, and Survival.
(For Pictures and Videos of all my trips, check out

The Power of Intention: As I watched the babbling brook, turn into a creek, and then a river and then into Class 5 roaring rapids that crashed through trees and formed rocks and brought with it anything in its path, I realized the sheer power that the water had. Water: our life blood, not able to survive without it for more than 5 days and the #1 cause of death in Yosemite is drowning. But that water carved a path through the mountain, and every day that path gets more and more defined as the snow melts on the top of the mountain and comes rushing down with the spring sun. The water has an intention to make it through the mountain, notwithstanding anything that comes in its way. Do you have that same intention? The intention to be successful in YTB no matter what challenges come your way? No matter what anyone says? And more importantly, do your actions show that intention?

Changing Plans: Our original plan for our one week RV vacation was to hit Yosemite for a few days, and then make our way over to San Francisco…until two things happened. 1) we looked at the map and decided that the road to get there was a little too rough for a 32’ RV and we figured that walking the streets of San Francisco wouldn’t be a great place for my dog…a 140 pd Rottweiler. So our plans changed. This happens all the time in life. You make a plan, and God laughs. Things happen and we are rerouted. Maybe this happened to you in the past few months with your job. At the time you received your pink slip, things probably seemed like they couldn’t get worse. And then someone introduced you to YTB. And who knew that in just a few short months of working YTB you’d be able to support your family and not have to worry about having a job ever again. We don’t know why bad things happen to us, but you have to trust that they all happen for a reason. You can’t find the universe. When one door closes, another one opens…plans change…and you have to go with the flow. We all fall down, but what’s important is how fast you pick yourself back up.

Survival: Take a look at the below picture. It’s one of the trees we ran across in Sequoia National Park….look closer. Do you see how the roots literally grew through the rock? That’s what it had to do to survive. The other trees might have told him that it wasn’t possible. The other trees might have laughed at him at the beginning of his feat. But he tried it anyway and everyday his roots broke through a little farther, he succeeded and the tree survived. Things are tough right now. Companies are laying off, the price of gas is record breaking and it’s cheaper to go out to eat then to buy groceries. But YTB is your survival plan. If you keep making progress every day, eventually you will break through the rock, you’ll find your go getters and your business will take off. Your friends might tell you that succeeding in network marketing is impossible, and they might laugh at you for trying…but while they are laughing - you are making progress and you are surviving and one day soon, when they have to wake up at 5am to pay $5/gallon for gas to get to a job that they don’t want to go to just so they can afford the $5/gallon gas and you are sleeping in on a Wednesday morning, working from home and making more money than they are, working less than they are and enjoying life more than they could ever dream of…it will no longer be a laughing matter. YTB is your survival plan. You just have to work it.

Would you like to receive a $5000 Leadership Education for only $100? If you’ve heard of The Secret, then you’ve heard of Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul)…. He provides a one week training course that based off of his book Principles of Success. To learn more about the course, go to The course costs over $5,000 with airfare, hotel, etc. I’ll be attending the Success Course right after the YTB National Convention and I’d like to share the knowledge, information, resources, handouts and success tools with all of you, because I think they all apply to Success in life and Success in your YTB business. If you’d like to participate in a four day training conference call (each call will be 2 hours and all calls will be taped so that if you can’t make it on the call you can listen to the archives) when I return wherein I will share with you all of the information and success tools that I learned at the course. Please respond with “I’M READY FOR SUCCESS” in the subject line and I’ll send you a paypal invoice for $100. You’ll also be emailed all of the handouts, training materials, etc as email attachments.I’ll take my time, I’ll take care of the travel arrangements, put up the money etc and you get the benefits just like you were there….for only $100. I look forward to working closer with you.

Buy the Book Living Life Residually at

Team Pride Newsletter #1 / June 1, 2008

I never realized how hard this Newsletter would be to right…not because I don’t know what to say but because I want to make sure I say the right things to help all of you out there. I want this for you more than you want it for yourself because I know how good it’s going to be when you get on that stage! I hope the following information inspires, motivates and educates you to the top!

Wow! Did you hear Coach?
Hopefully you’ve had a chance to hear Coach as he makes his way around the country. This past Saturday he was in Orange County, California and both the morning and the afternoon session were rocking! He explained the importance of not giving into your past limitations. He told a story about a dog who was tethered to a tree on a very short leash and he kept trying and trying to get a few feet past where his leash would let him go, but he wasn’t able to because the leash was too short. Every day he’d try and tug the leash, but it wouldn’t let him get to where he wanted to be. Finally, he gave up, and stopped trying to get free. And then one day, his owner took off the leash and the dog was able to go anywhere he chose. But the dog had stopped trying. He let his past limitations determine his future and that’s what so many of us in YTB do all the time. We let the fear of rejection determine whether we want to talk to someone new at the grocery store, we let our past failures determine our worth. But YTB sets you free, and you can go anywhere you want to go…but it’s up to you to try.

Passion Planning:
Passion without a plan can be wasted energy but when property used, passion can be the compelling force for catapulting your dreams forward. Discover what you are passionate about and it will lead you to your reason for being here and to profound dreams. Spend a period of time; a weekend, a month, a year doing what you love or what touches you. Follow your dreams and look for common threads. During the times of your life when you felt the most alive, what were you doing and who were you being? Once you get a closer look at who you are when you are at your happiest and most productive, you can duplicate that into what you do for a living! I find that my best days are when I start off with thanking the universe for everything I have…even the small things like toothpaste…it’s all about the Attitude of Gratitude and when you start thinking more positively you start getting more positive things attracted to your life.

BONUS thought:If someone in your team has scheduled you to give a presentation and they call you a few days before telling you that no one has RSVP’d and they’d like to cancel the presentation….this is your response” Well then, I guess you have a little work to do to get some different people there!”See your time is valuable…besides, you are a future YTB Director!! So if someone schedules you to give a presentation…by golly….you’re giving a presentation! You reserved that night for a presentation and you have a life too, so make sure your team knows how important you are as a presenter and makes having a presentation and getting a piece of your time a big deal. Success is an attitude, you first have to choose to be successful and then you can be. Have you made that decision yet?

Would you like to receive a $5000 Leadership Education for only $100?
If you’ve heard of The Secret, then you’ve heard of Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul)….
He provides a one week training course that based off of his book Principles of Success. To learn more about the course, go to
The course costs over $5,000 with airfare, hotel, etc. I’ll be attending the Success Course right after the YTB National Convention and I’d like to share the knowledge, information, resources, handouts and success tools with all of you, because I think they all apply to Success in life and Success in your YTB business.
If you’d like to participate in a four day training conference call (each call will be 2 hours and all calls will be taped so that if you can’t make it on the call you can listen to the archives) when I return wherein I will share with you all of the information and success tools that I learned at the course. Please respond with “I’M READY FOR SUCCESS” in the subject line and I’ll send you a paypal invoice for $100. You’ll also be emailed all of the handouts, training materials, etc as email attachments.I’ll take my time, I’ll take care of the travel arrangements, put up the money etc and you get the benefits just like you were there….for only $100.
I look forward to working closer with you.

Buy the Book Living Life Residually at

Friday, May 30, 2008

Why YTB is the company to keep!!!

I have had many inquiries about YTB not being a legit company or that it has negative news associated with it; My own team members sometimes ask me how they should handle the negative news on YTB that can be found online. Now obviously, anyone can post anything online, and if you believe everything that you read online you might as well pack your bags right now. But the negative stuff is there, and it needs to be addressed. After all, that is how many individuals make their living.
So, this would be my response:

Hi Hazel,
First I wanted to thank you for taking a look at my website. Second, I appreciate that you did some research on the company and want to ask you a few questions:
1) Wouldn’t you like to write off all of your vacations?
2) Don’t you want to get discounts on your travel? (Sabrina just paid $159/night at Mandalay Bay in Vegas for Memorial Day weekend instead of $425/night! (WITHOUT her IATA or CLIA card!))
3) Would you like to receive up to $15000 in tax savings by owning your own business?
4) Would you invest or buy stock in a company that has: ?
Been sued so many times, can't be counted.
Thousand if not millions of unhappy customers around the world.
More bad press then any company has ever had in history.
In trouble with the department of Justice and local state agency for anti-trust in the past years.
If you search Google and search for their name + lawsuit your will find 26,900 websites about this company.
In trouble with the FTC numerous times.
Numerous class-action lawsuit currently in supreme courts.
History of releasing bad products, before they have been tested properly.
I know what you’re thinking, I would not only never use their product or service, but also would never buy their stock. Right? And, if you said NO, NO, NO. Then you would have missed out on one of the best producing companies in history. And most of you should just stop using your computer because the company I have been talking about is: Microsoft.
My point is: That if you’re looking for bad news about any company you will find it. Do a search of your own company and see what is being said online. If people are not talking about a company, the company is most likely not growing or doing anything.
Hazel, I really appreciate your opinion….but I’d appreciate it a lot more if it was an educated one…Come to a presentation and learn the facts and then if you still decide not to be involved, then I’ll never mention it again…but until then, your opinion doesn’t mean very much.
I also attached a press release that was announced today…you’ll see that our travel bookings have increased by double this quarter!...obviously we wouldn’t be booking this much travel if we weren’t cheaper most of the time, and we wouldn’t be recognized as the 11th largest travel agency in the United States by Travel Weekly if companies didn’t feel comfortable booking with us.
YTB International Announces Financial Results for the First
YTB International Ord Shs Class A (YTBLA) Stock Quote, Chart, News, Add to Watchlist
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WOOD RIVER, Ill., May 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- YTB International, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: YTBLA) ("YTB" or the "Company"), a provider of Internet-based travel booking services for travel agencies and home-based independent representatives in the United States, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, the Bahamas, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Canada, today announced its financial results for the three month period ended March 31, 2008.
Total revenue for the quarter ended March 31, 2008 increased 76.7% to $42.7 million, compared to $24.2 million for the first quarter last year. The Company's property and equipment increased from the December 31, 2007 balance of $15.4 million to $18.9 million as of March 31, 2008 or 22.7%. The number of RTAs increased to 138,814 in the first quarter of 2008 from 82,932 in the comparable quarter of 2007. The Company believes the significant increased number of RTAs is attributable to the emerging market shift for travel services to the Internet.
Net loss for the first quarter of 2008 was $3.5 million, or $0.03 per diluted share, compared to a net loss of $2.2 million, or $0.02 per diluted share, for the first quarter of 2007. The loss is primarily attributable to stock awards, and promotional and expansion expenses totaling approximately $3.1 million. As of March 31, 2008, the Company had $1.3 million in cash and cash equivalents. Net cash used in investing activities was $4.1 million during the first quarter of 2008 compared to $1.3 million used in the first quarter of 2007.
Scott Tomer, Chief Executive Officer of YTB, commented on the first quarter results, stating, "We are pleased by the significant increase that we experienced in our top-line results during the quarter. This growth speaks directly to the demand for our travel related services, and our ability to meet or exceed specific sales growth objectives through diligent execution. We are acutely aware that sustainable growth requires reinvestment in our company, and with this in mind, we incurred several charges during the quarter, directly related to the promotion of our brand, and the retention of our top performers and personnel. During the quarter, we also incurred expenses related to our expansion into three new countries to help build our international presence. Primarily due to these investments in our company, we reported a loss for the quarter."
Mr. Tomer continued, "During this first quarter we continued to focus on the sale of travel by our RTAs, as well as the strengthening of our executive team. We welcomed two new members to our Board of Directors, Mr. Paul Hemings and Mr. Burt Saunders, and we are excited by the valuable experience that they bring from their respective fields. Looking forward, we plan on continuing to execute our stated mission to revolutionize the travel field by offering affordable travel and unique opportunities for motivated individuals to participate within this burgeoning industry.
"We see our recent move to the Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board as a positive step forward for us, and welcome the new investors that are now able to participate in the growth of our company."
About YTB International
Recognized as the 35th largest seller of travel in the U.S. in 2006 by Travel Weekly, YTB International, Inc. provides Internet-based travel booking services for home-based independent representatives in the United States, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, Canada, Bermuda, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The Company operates through three subsidiaries:, Inc., YTB Travel Network, Inc., and REZconnect Technologies, Inc. focuses on marketing online travel websites through a nationwide network of independent business people, known as 'Reps.' YTB Travel Network establishes and maintains travel vendor relationships, processes travel transactions of online travel agents and affiliates, collects travel commissions and pays sales commissions. Each RTA directs consumers to the YTB Internet-based travel website. The REZconnect Technologies division operates as a travel vendor relationship management company and offers franchises of brick and mortar travel agencies. For more information, visit
Statements about the Company's future expectations, including future revenues and earnings, and all other statements in this press release other than historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange of 1934, and as that term is defined in the Private Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, and the Company's actual results could differ materially from expected results. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect subsequently occurring events or circumstances. (Tables Follow) This document is available on the KCSA Strategic Communications at YTB INTERNATIONAL, INC.
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)
Three months ended March 31, 2008 March 31, 2007
Net revenues $42,727,567 $24,178,481
Operating expenses: Operating expenses (exclusive of depreciation and amortization shown below) 45,643,718
Depreciation 26,188,396

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

YTB is a direct seller and proud member of DSA

YTB Now a Proud Member of the DSA!

Hi again, Sabrina here with some great news about this great company called YTB and how it is not what many of you have thought of.
On September 18, 2007, The Board of Directors of the Direct Selling Association ("DSA") approved the membership applications of 11 direct selling of which was YTB!
YTB completed the one-year pending period required for full membership in the association. During this time, YTB's marketing and business plans were reviewed to ensure compliance with all provisions of DSA's Code of Ethics.
"The members of the Direct Selling Association pride themselves in their commitment to the highest standards in business ethics," said DSA's President Neil Offen. "By applying for membership in the association and going through a rigorous approval process, these companies are saying they take their ethical obligations to their field salesforce and to the ultimate customer seriously and are willing to make a public pledge to that effect."DSA's Code of Ethics gives the direct selling industry one of the strongest self-regulatory codes in business today.
All member companies are not only required to comply with the Code to be admitted to the association, but must also continue to uphold and promote the Code as a condition of continuing membership in the association. DSA's Code is enforced by an independent code administrator who investigates and prescribes remedies in response to salesforce and consumer complaints against member companies.The Code itself includes provisions requiring truthful disclosure of product information regarding price, grade, quality, quantity and availability.
The Code expressly prohibits pyramid schemes, deceptive or unlawful consumer or recruiting practices, misrepresentation of earning or sales potential, inventory loading and unreasonable entrance fees.DSA is the national trade association of the leading firms that manufacture and distribute goods and services sold directly to consumers.
Among its more than 220 active and pending members are companies selling both via a party-plan method and in the traditional person-to-person style. In 2006, U.S. direct sales were more than $32 billion with more than 15.2 million direct sellers nationwide. The vast majority are independent business people - micro-entrepreneurs - whose purpose is to sell the product/service of the company they voluntarily choose to represent. Approximately 90 percent of direct sellers operate their business part-time.
What does this mean for the many individuals that have been sitting on the sidelines, because they thought that YTB was a MLM or a Pyramid? Well, it just means that they need to take a look at YTB once again. We are a direct selling company with a universal product, which uses network marketing to advertise to the people. Our business model has universal appeal and our product is being used by over 80 millions people through the internet.
SO, now that we have cleared that hurdle, how about taking a look at YTB once again. Go here to find out more. As always, call me to find out more on how YTB can also make a change for you too! Thank you .

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How to travel Italy on a budget.

Hi again, Sabrina here,
as many of you know, I am in the travel business and as such, I get insider's perks and benefits; I will list them as we go on. For now, I'm going to talk about Italy, my parent's birth country, and how to find good deals when traveling to Italy.
The bad news – as we already know – is that the dollar has fallen against the euro by more than 10 percent over the past year. The good news is that this currency challenge shouldn’t prevent travelers from going to Italy this year and for many it hasn’t. Travel expert Pauline Frommer told listeners of her radio program recently that while surveying various travel companies about their summer bookings, most said that while travel to Europe in general was down, bookings for Italy remained steady or are even expected to increase. Italy will be far from empty this year and it pays to plan ahead.
High oil prices, steady demand and limits on the number of seats for sale will increase airfares to Italy this year. One of the most frequent questions travelers have is how far in advance to buy airline tickets. What if they buy now and there’s a sale in a month or two? With so many people still traveling to Italy and limited seats for the summer season, if you find a decent airfare for travel between the beginning of May and end of September, you are probably better off buying the tickets. At press time, a roundtrip ticket between New York and Rome for July was priced at $1,368 on Alitalia and $1,384 on United. The Italian discount airline Eurofly was offering the same route for $1,009. If you live in Canada, low-cost carrier Zoom Airlines will begin twice weekly flight between Toronto and Rome and a weekly flight from Montreal to Rome this March. At press time, a roundtrip ticket from Toronto for July cost $1,287. The above fares are not unreasonable given the various factors involved. Certainly check the Web sites of individual airlines but also be sure to visit the search engine that YTB offers, since we offer very competitive pricing and YTB is partners with travelocity and priceline.
When you’re ready to buy your tickets, use the Web site to predict whether ticket prices for a particular route will stay steady, increase or decrease over the next week. Travelers can plug in international trips of two weeks or less up to six months in advance. is also worth consulting; it displays a calendar showing which days offer the lowest fares on specific routes.
While the Internet is an essential tool, don’t forget that good travel agents have access to consolidator fares and can also help save you money on flights. Package Deals Pay Off. Before you purchase airline tickets, consider buying them as part of a package – one that includes some combination of airfare along with other components such as hotel, rental car and/or train tickets. You will almost always save over what these pieces would cost individually. Since you’re pre-paying in dollars, the package portions of your trip will not be subject to currency fluctuations.
At this point, it would be wise to say that if you were in my shoes, and I mean being part of YTB, you would be flying to Italy for $269 plus tax and fees. Soooo, find out how you too can take a 5 days, 4 nigths all-inclusive Italian get-away for $469 based on availability. There are many more available to travel agents. Ask me how.
Gate 1 Travel offers well-priced, customizable packages. You can request a preferred airline (for you mileage gurus), choose specific hotels and take advantage of affordable add-ons such as a private car transfer (a good deal at $61 from Florence’s airport to your hotel) or a gondola serenade (at $55 per person, this is half of the usual cost). Here’s an example of one of their packages: the 7-Day Florence and Venice by Rail package with roundtrip airfare from New York, accommodations at the 4-star Sofitel Firenze and 5-star Hotel Bauer and first class train travel from Florence to Venice is $2,169 per person, based on double occupancy, for a mid-May departure. Alternatively, if you choose 3-star hotels, the price drops to $1,699 per person.
Club ABC Tours offers packages to destinations all over Italy, including the Lakes, Capri and Sicily. Both first-time Italy travelers as well as experienced Italophiles will be interested in this company’s trips. Club ABC offers impressive hotel choices. For example, their Fly & Drive Umbria and Tuscany package includes three nights at the luxurious Le Tre Vaselle in Torgiano. Other components of the package include roundtrip airfare from New York, a manual rental car for seven days, four nights at the 5-star Grand Hotel & La Pace in Montecatini Terme and three dinners at Le Tre Vaselle. A spring departure costs $2,349 per person, based on double occupancy. (To purchase a package, you must be a member, which costs $30 per year.)If you want to absolutely be sure of what you will spend, consider choosing an escorted and/or fully escorted tour. Again, you will be paying in dollars and with most meals included you will only have a few unaccounted for expenses. Also, many tour companies priced these tours six months or a year ago when the dollar was 10 percent stronger, so you will be saving compared to next year’s rates.
At press time, Luxury Link had package at Venice’s Ca’ Segrado (see page 7) for four nights in a room with a water view, valued at $2,715, with a starting bid of $975. The site also offers a “Buy Now” option. One example is a three-night package in a suite at Tuscany’s Castello di Velona (where Rachael Ray held her wedding) that retails for $2,095 but can be immediately purchased for $1,745. The Luxury Link site is also a good place to seek out significant savings on villa rentals. A villa that rents for $6,000 per week can be had for half that if you try your luck at an auction. Of course, always check for any blackout dates but the restrictions generally aren’t too bad. is another excellent auction site for air and hotel packages, hotel nights in Italy's major cities and coach and business class airline tickets. There are bargains to be had but bidding can be fierce. The best bidder has already done his or her homework on what things usually cost. Those who are flexible in the dates of travel are also at an advantage.
Cruise to Savings. Truly savvy travelers will be cruising Italy this summer; there’s probably no better deal and nearly every cruise line you can think of – Carnival to Princess– will be cruising the Mediterranean this summer. After all, you’re paying in dollars ahead of time, so you already know what your accommodation and dining costs will be. In addition, many cruise lines, especially those with bigger, flashier ships, keep prices low, knowing that you will spend money on board on drinks, gambling and shore excursions. High-end lines like Silversea and Seabourn include all alcohol and gratuities their cruise prices and are worth considering especially since their small ships can get into smaller ports such as Amalfi and Portofino. Celebrity Cruises offers a 14-day Best of Italy cruise this April and September on its new small ship Azamara Quest with port calls in Venice, Ravenna, Bari, Taormina, Sorrento, Porto Cervo, Livorno (for Florence and Pisa) and Civitavecchia (Rome). Overnight stays in many of these ports offer more time for exploration. Prices start at $2,449 per person for an inside cabin and $3,599 for a cabin with a balcony – even for the balcony accommodations, just $257 per person, per day. Travel agents who specialize in cruises can use their special relationship with particular cruise companies to offer their clients special deals including free airfare or complimentary shore excursions. lets you to reach over 100 cruise specialists simultaneously via e-mail to see if they can beat your best quote for a specific cruise. is also a must-click for searching for the best deals.
Where to Rest Your Head. American Express predicts hotel rates in Europe will rise between 12 and 14 percent this year. Expect accommodations to be one of your biggest travel costs. But there are ways to find competitive hotel rates and alternatives to hotel stays altogether. is a one-stop Web site for searching multiple hotel chain and hotel discount sites including which specializes in Italian properties. Another tactic is to purchase a yearly membership with Touring Club Italiano (25euros) which gives you a discount of at least 10 percent at 50,000 hotels around Italy.“Go south, or at least combine smaller, more remote destinations with one of “the Big Three” (Rome, Florence, Venice),” recommends Nan McElroy, author of Italy: Instructions for Use. The south is cheaper than the north. In rural areas, consider staying in an agriturismo. This is a legal classification for an operating farm that welcomes guests (fewer than 30 per night) derives its main income from agricultural activities. Not only can staying at an agriturismo provide a great bargain (imagine paying 50 euros per night), the smaller more intimate atmosphere is a great way to interact with Italians. The best way to save money on accommodations, especially if you have more than a few people in your group is to rent a villa or apartment. (listing over 9,500 properties for rent in Italy) claims that a hotel averages 50 percent more per square foot than an apartment or villa rental and that math looks right. Those who have rental experience may want to go directly through owners through sites like or even Craigs List, but only after asking all the right questions and speaking to references. Rentals have been traditionally offered by the week but more and more, especially in the big cities, are rented on a nightly basis, so it never hurts to ask. One great advantage of renting is the chance to do as the locals do and cook at home, saving money on eating out. "The cost of groceries, especially fresh produce, is still a good value in Italy and the quality is high since Italian cooks are discerning shoppers," notes Lisa Byrne of
Getting Around. Renting a car is essential for to properly tour many parts of Italy but has become expensive (plan on spending at least 50 euros to fill it up with gas). Remember that renting by the week can often be cheaper than renting for just a few days, do your homework and be sure to rent in the U.S. before going to Italy – you will always pay more on the ground there. Cars with automatic transmissions cost much more so if you know how to drive stick shift, all the better. generally offers the most competitive rates, but some European rental companies worth checking out include Maggiore and Sixt. You absolutely don’t need a car in the city and you will end up paying in terms of parking and headaches.
Mike Fuller of advises, "Take the train between cities and rent cars locally to avoid costly gas, toll charges and parking. Many train stations have rental car agencies in or near the station.”To save on local public transportation and museum admissions, find out if any of the cities you are visiting offer city cards for tourists. Naples, Orvieto, Padova, Rome, Turin, Trieste, Verona and Venice are among the locales with such programs. For example. purchase the Verona Card at one of many locations around the city (8 euros for a one-day card and 12 euros for three days) and gain free admission to the city’s museums, churches and monuments and travel for free on the local bus.
As you can see, there are many different ways to go and stay in Italy; None of the ways will match the discounts that can be available to YTB travel agents. After all, agents are the first to know what is available and at what price, and vendors love the idea to have travel agents check out a specific location at a very reduced price, so that the agent can discuss the trip with their clients back home; and by the way, when was the last time that you were able to deduct the family trip as a tax deduction? You can if you are part of the travel industry; of course, consult your tax advisor for your situation. Before you plan your trip, check out my web page and see if this program is a match for you. I would love to talk to you in more details on how you can travel for pennies on the dollar, make money when other people travel and save on your taxes. As always, regards Sabrina.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Time Freedom and Happiness

Hi once again, Sabrina here.
I usually don’t do this, but I wanted to share a few incredible days that I’ve had with my team members.I spent the past couple of days in Visalia and Pismo Beach with Marta and her team. On our way back, we decided to take PCH the whole way down…incurring an extra hour of driving…signifying my momentous change in my attitude, stress levels, and ability to stop and smell the roses.
On the way down PCH, there was a gorgeous house…a log cabin mansion in fact (pictures attached) and I have a log cabin on my vision board, so I just had to stop. Come to find out, the owners of Pioneer Log Cabins lived there and originated the company 37 years ago. Turns out she likes to travel, and she books the entire company’s travel online whenever they go up to Canada and Alaska to get their timber. As she walked us through this magnificent house, we began to realize that we stumbled across something a lot bigger than we could have ever imagined. Her dining room table is signed by George Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger and the guy who owns America Timer. They have built homes for people like the inventor of the pay at the pump gasoline invention (talk about residual income!)….they’ve also built the largest home in North America…156,000 square feet in Colorado as a log cabin! The list of people she calls friends grew as we walked outside and past the wine cellar….their neighbors are Andy….you know Andy Anheuser…as in Anheuser and Busch beer!!!...and the list goes on and on. She has asked us to send her information and call her regarding YTB.

Today, we went for our Team Pride Walk….myself, Tamorah and Marta (all three of us have been able to quit our jobs thanks to YTB) and we were joined by newcomer Valerie, who joined Saturday at the Luau. A few minutes into the walk Valerie was looking for a sign that YTB was where she was supposed to be in her life after searching numerous things to get her ahead. At that moment…we saw a grey whale and her baby!!!! About 20 yards off the shore. The Park ranger said that they’d never ever seen them that close before, and there they were….right there for us, for Valerie…..she took that as her sign that she was right where she was supposed to be and committed to going to the National Convention in August. It was an amazing experience. We finished the exhilarating one hour walk huffing and puffing.

After the walk we all started heading up to our cars thinking how nice it would be to have breakfast at the Beachcomber CafĂ© which we had walked right by….but none of us had brought any money on the walk with us…except for Valerie J We all looked at each other and one by one, we said “I don’t have anything to do today”, “I don’t have any meetings planned”, “I can do it” and “let’s go!”
WHAT A GREAT FEELING!! To be foot loose and fancy free and enjoy an ocean front breakfast with amazing people and making amazing new friendships! I love my life.

I hope you’re able to enjoy this day that was made for you……

Now, what does all of this mean to you, the reader of this blog?
Well, if you are part of my team, then you are already on your way to accomplish your life's dreams and goals.
But, if you are an individual looking to better their life's situations, then you are at the right place to learn how I and some of my partners have been able to not only quit our jobs, but to make a great financial impact in our future.
You too can do what I have done; Take a look at what YTB can do for you. I have had numerous calls from individuals that had been involved in a network marketing program and for many reasons, it did not work out for them. Their question to me is: What can YTB do for me that the other company hasn't done?
For one, you need to be committed to do whatever it takes to succeed, in life or YTB, if you have not committed to it, you won't get much in return. Second, my team members, can be assured that they have MY commitment to help them succede, as long as they make the same commitment to themselves. I have said this before: YTB is only a vehicle for you to drive yourself to financial freedom, but you need to know how to drive it to get where you want to go; I'll show you the way.
Thank you for taking your valuable time to read about how YTB can change your life, just believe in yourself and your God given talents and abilities.
Have Fun, Sabrina.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Time freedom is your business

Hi, Sabrina here again.
I live in Newport Beach, and I have worked in corporate America as an attorney, engineer and real estate broker.
I had a great job with great bosses and great benefits; I had my own business, making great money; so why would I want to look at a home based business…two words…time freedom. I had no Time Freedom.
I was married to my job. I was working up to 16 hours per day. I had to ask to take time off, I had to ask to go to the doctors. I got 3 measly weeks of vacation a year. This is not time freedom.
I used look out my window at work everyday and think to myself, there has to be more to life than this. This can’t be it. I want to be able to give back. I want to do something with meaning. I want to change people lives. I want to make a difference. I can’t do that sitting at a desk for twelve hours a day while making someone else rich.
So for the past few years I had been researching several different home businesses. I have spent countless hours and many dollars trying to find something that I could do and work from home.
I have run into several good businesses. The problem has always been…support: lack of support. The businesses would have training, but no actual applications.
What I mean by that is they would, for example, tell me that what they were doing would not work for me and I had to find my own way of making the business work and they would not share what worked.
Over the last couple of years I hadn't found anything that interested me. I didn't want to sell products and I just hadn’t found the right mentors, until I joined YTB Travel. When I was introduced to YTB Travel network, I did some quick research and I realized that the requirements that I had placed for my next business venture were available and established within YTB. My requirements were simple. I wanted a program that was in high demand, had a system already in place, a mentor & team that would show me exactly what kind of procedures they had in place in order to grow my YTB travel biz. Finally and most important, I wanted to be able to help others that were committed to helping themselves; I wanted to create a replicable system for anyone that I introduced to YTB travel, so that they would be able to succeed as much as I did. There are 2 main reasons to join a network marketing home based business: One is to help yourself and to help others. If you are thinking of joining for only one of these two reasons, the system will not work for you
If people I brought in couldn’t do what I was doing and couldn’t make money in their first 30 days or less, I didn’t want any part of it. What a difference this has made for my business. I have created that system, that anyone with a commitment to succede, can replicate and become successful in YTB with my personal support and commitment that I will be there for them.
You no longer have to spend thousands of dollars on advertising that doesn’t work. I know what works and I will share that with you when you become part of TEAM PRIDE. I am going to take you by the hand and teach & train you with everything I know. No secrets here. If you have been looking for a home based business, which you can work and reap the benefits, do yourself a favor and go here to find out more about what we do and who we are. Then put your name and email in the appropriate box and take a look at my home activity and see if it’s right for you. One thing is for sure: when your thoughts, beliefs, feelings and behavior are in perfect alignment, your life will change like magic.
I am not about to spoon feed you; This is your business. But I will lead you until you are ready to lead your own team.
Regards Sabrina

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Are you ready to stop commuting?

Hi again,
I’m still curious as to whether or not you are still interested in checking us out and evaluating whether or not we can meet your needs in a home business, where you set the hours and commute from one room to the other.
I am also wondering if maybe you are time crunched right now and have so much going on (making someone else rich) that it’s been tough to get back to me and nail down a good time for you and me to discuss what this travel website can do for you.
Through these posts, you'll be getting a feel of what is that I do.
Many times people ask me this question: What do you sell? They think I MUST be selling something otherwise, how else would I be able to make money?
Let’s start with that question and then give you a more detailed summary:
Am I selling anything? You bet! I am selling folks on overall financial freedom. I show people how to put alarm clocks companies out of business. I provide a step by step process on how you can accomplish what you want out of life. All it requires is a commitment and beleif on your part.

But I know that's not the answer you were wanting. You are looking for a free ride; Well, nothing in life is free and if you are not willing to pursue what you want, than it is not worth receiving. I'm not selling any get rich scheme or hyped up program; But what I do works for me and thousands more like me. How bad do you want to change your future? Then follow my plan to financial freedom customized to your personality, after all, we have different personalities.
I would love to to have a person to person conversation (not email) with you because of all the scams out there and because truthfully no one can understand what we do in just a brief email.
I want you to have the opportunity to ask me questions, in person, so you can get a feel of who is that you are dealing with.
Bottom line: We own a online travel website with the best compensation plan that is making millionaires on a regular basis.. That corporation happens to be over 7 years old, with a copywrited plan that can only change for the better.
How do we sell travel websites for this company? Using free websites,(when you join us), training, and technology that we provide you - people come to your websites or request information through your personal contacts and through the other ways that I use and train you with. We introduce them to this company - show them how they can save money on their personal travel, make money when other people travel, save money by paying less tax, and even make unlimited amounts of income if that is their desire. You can talk to friends and family if you want (I have chosen to do personal contacts and the internet!) but we train you how to do this on your computer and the internet. So, you have no cold calling or picking up the phone book and hoping to get lucky. We are not telemarketers. These interested people come to YOU through the internet and through your personal contacts.
We say no selling because we literally distribute no product, we don't collect money, no deliveries, no inventory, no worrying about chasing people with bad checks, no need to refund people, etc.
Our partner corporation - YTB, takes care of the fulfillment of the travel or any other questions. We have trained presenters who do the talking for you - so you don't have to worry about a "sales pitch" and your concern is setting up an account for the people who ask you for more information - and that, too, is done online. It’s very easy and streamlined for you. Each week, I get a business report with a summary of the accounts we opened online. Paychecks are issued weekly.
Example: You get started - we start your training - it's up to you how fast you want to learn- depending on how far you want to go - and then we have u ready to start spreading the word about your business and expand your future. Ready to receive your check ASAP!
You are never left alone. You get me and my team training you, as your business coach, and I am with you every step of the way. With the resources that Team Pride provides, I've learned some great ways to mentor and train people on how to get started effectively. I share that with you.
So, how about it? I'd appreciate the opportunity to set up a time to give you a business summary by phone. I am not going to hype it up or pressure you.
Send me a quick email with two or three days that work for you and I will check my appointment book. Here is an example of what to send me:
2pm on Tuesday or 9pm on Wednesday or 1pm on Saturday

Looking forward to talking with you.
Regards, Sabrina

Monday, May 12, 2008

Network marketing and YTB Travel

Hi again,
Sabrina here to discuss in more details on how I have achieved the financial freedom that has eluded many of you out there. As it has been said many times before, one can work to make a living and after 40 or so years, one retires and during those years spent working for a living, that person has missed many events in their life and the quality of family time was not that good.
But the good thing is that one has helped to make their boss rich, because as an employee, you get a paycheck worth about 5% of the income that one has produced for the company. You see, no matter how much effort you put out on your job, the primary beneficiary is NOT YOU; you only get about 5% of your efforts.
That is why I have chosen a different path to success: My own online travel website. It allows me to retain about 85% of all of the revenues produced because I am the owner and the employee, so all of the efforts put out by the employee, benefits the onwer which is I. In other words, I get paid 5% as an employee, plus 80% as the business owner. The great thing is that once I have setup my business with residual income, I can cut back on the actual work time since my income has been put on autopilot. I strongly beleive what Robert Kiyosaki has said in his book: Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Network marketing is where people create an income that can not be mached by a regular job (J.O.B.= JUST OVER BROKE) I strongly encourage you to take a look at network marketing through YTB Travel. I am very open to helping you to succede in making a better life for your self; a life that is very achievable if you are commited to receive the assistance that I am willing to provide you in your quest. I have learned tha hard way; now I can show you the easier way. I even wrote the book on how to succede in network marketing. Click here to get your copy or join me in YTB and I'll give you a free copy.
Following is an excert from one of Robert's books on network marketing and onwing your own business, which I am a strong advocate.

Are You Still Working For Money?
Network Marketing - Is an Asset, Not a Job
By Robert Kiyosaki

I am sometimes asked, "Why do so few people make it to the top of their network marketing system?"

The truth is, the top of the network marketing
system is open to everyone-unlike traditional
corporate systems, which allow only one person to reach the top of the company.

The reason most people do not reach the top is simply because they quit too soon. So why would someone quit short of the top?

Most people join only to make money. If they don't make money in the first few months or years, they become discouraged and quit (and then often bad-mouth the industry!).

Others quit and go looking for a company with a better compensation plan. But joining to make a few quick dollars is not the reason to get into the

The Two Essential Reasons to Join a
Network Marketing Business:
Reason number one is to help yourself.
Reason number two is to help others.

If you join for only one of these two reasons,
then the system will not work for you.

Reason number one, means that you come to the
business primarily to change quadrants-to change
from the E (Employee) or the S (Self-employed)
quadrant to the B (Business owner) or I (Investor) quadrant.

This change is normally very difficult for most people because of money. The true E or S quadrant person will not work unless it is for money.

This is also what causes people to not reach the top of the network marketing system: they want money more than they want to change quadrants.

A “B” quadrant or “I” quadrant person will also work for money, but in a different way. The “B” quadrant person works to build or create an asset-in this case, a business system.

The “I” quadrant person invests in the asset or the system.

The beauty of most network marketing systems is that you do not really make much money unless you help others leave the “E” and “S” quadrants and succeed in the “B” and “I” quadrants.

If you focus on helping others make this shift, then you will be successful in the business.

As a B or an I, sometimes you don't get paid for years; this, a true E quadrant or S quadrant person will not do. It's not part of their core values.

Risk and delayed gratification disturb them emotionally.

Delayed Gratification and Emotional Intelligence One of the beauties of network marketing is that it focuses on developing your emotional intelligence as well as your business skills.

Emotional intelligence is an entirely different matter from academic intelligence. In general, someone with high emotional intelligence will often do better than someone with high academic intelligence but low emotional intelligence.

That explains, in part, why some people do well in school but not so well in the real world. The ability to delay gratification is a sign of higher emotional intelligence. In a recent study of emotional intelligence, it was found that people who could delay gratification often led more successful lives than those who could not.

This is why the educational system inherent in a good network marketing opportunity is so important. It's the emotional education or emotional intelligence aspect of their programs that I find so valuable for people.

Many people write me and tell me they loved my book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, but I fear that many of them don't get the most important point
of the book: Lesson #1, "The rich don't work for money."

Once I have built or bought an asset, that asset works hard to make money for me. But I will not work for money-I will work only to build or buy assets.

Those assets make me richer and richer, while I work less and less. That is what the rich do. The poor and middle class work hard for
money, and then buy liabilities instead of investing in assets.

What Kind of Asset is a Network Marketing Business?

Remember, there are two reasons required to be successful in network marketing: to help yourself, and to help others.

Reason number one means helping yourself get to the B side of the quadrant. What about reason number two The beauty of most network marketing systems is that you don't really make much
money unless you help others leave the E and S quadrants and succeed in the B and I quadrants.

If you focus on helping others make this shift, then you will be successful in the business, If you only want to teach yourself to be a B quadrant and I quadrant person, then a true network marketing system won't work for you.

You may as well go to a traditional business school, which focuses only on your becoming a B quadrant person.

The beauty of a network marketing business is that your goal is to create assets, which are other B's working under you-and their job is to create other B's working under them.

In traditional business, the focus is for the B to have only E's and S's working for them.

The type of business I was taught to build is a business with me at the top and E's and S's at the base. I really don't have room at the top for many other B's, which is why in my businesses, I strongly recommend that all my employees look into network marketing as their own part-time businesses.

The traditional corporate system really is a pyramid, because there are a few B's and I's near the top, and more E's and S's at the base.

A network marketing system is a reverse pyramid:
its primary focus is to bring up more and more B's to the top.

One type of pyramid, the traditional type, has its base on the ground; the other type has its base in the air. It's a pyramid that pulls you up instead of pushing you down.

A network marketing business gives everyone access to what used to be the domain only of the rich.

This passage is excerpted by permission from The Business School for People Who Like Helping People, by Robert T. Kiyosaki, with Sharon Lechter, CPA, authors of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

At least 80% of millionaires are self-made
they started with nothing but ambition and energy, the same way most of us start.

They all chose the right business opportunities. Are you ready to make the rigth desision?
Check out

Friday, May 9, 2008


Residually living is a way of life for me now that I have achieved my goals. I want to assist you in achieving your goals if you will allow me to do so. This is possibly the most important post I’ve ever written, so please read it carefully...
Over the past few months, I’ve been working on helping members of my team to achieve their goals of becoming financially free through living life residually. I have been helping them with their online marketing strategies, by assisting them creating a internet presence.
Much of the information can be found in my book: Living Life Residually. Many of my team members have already read the book and they are now moving on with the growth of their teams
It’s probably safe to assume that if you are reading this post, you have not read the book yet: Maybe you should if you want to create a life of residual living. Click here .
It’s funny how a few words on paper can start a massive movement, which is exactly what’s happened, with so many people wanting to know more on how to achieve a life of residual income.
What I’d like to share with you now is one of the most valuable insights I’ve gained from my time with my team members.
Please take the time to read this in its entirety today, because I can promise that you’ll never look at yourself the same way again once you do.
Have you ever thought about the word “winning”, and what it means to you?
For most of us, the word “winning”, is a very simple concept. You create a goal, and when you achieve it, you move on to the next goal.
Well, there’s actually much more to it then that, because your subconscious mind has it’s own definition for “winning”, and whether you know it or not, you and your entire life are run by this subconscous mind that controls pretty much what we do.
If your subconscious doesn’t want you to “win” when it comes to achieving wealth and money, you’re not going to.
By definition, your subconscious thoughts and its agenda for your life are hidden from you, unless you’ve trained yourself to communicate with it by reading books on the subject or attending seminars about self-improvements.
If you don’t know what its definition of “winning” is for you right now, how can you ever move forward? And that’s the point on this letter… We’re going to find out what “winning” means to your subconscious right now…
There are 5 ways for you to win...
1: You win when you’re comfortable. This person’s primary goal is to just go through life as comfortably as possible. They don’t want stress. They don’t want to be pushed or challenged. Everything they do is designed to support their pursuit of comfort.
This is your average, life-long employee who’s more than happy to have a safe, stable, comfortable job.

2: You win by being liked. This person’s primary goal in life is to be liked by others. They want acceptance from everyone, and will do just about anything to reach that goal. They’d rather be liked, than be right or wrong.

3: You win by being right. This person is usually an expert in a specific field like a professor, lawyer, or a specialist. People who win by being right, don’t accept criticism and aren’t open to new ideas. Arguing with this person never works because they’ll always find a way to prove you and your business wrong, even if it means sabotaging your company in the process.
In order to win, this person must be right all the times.

4: You win by winning. This person is an achiever. Their primary motivation is to win. They are very competitive, and will do whatever it takes to win. They won’t quit, and they’ll constantly push themselves to gain the edge they need.
This category describes all successful entrepreneurs and athletes. This type of person doesn’t care if others don’t like them, and they welcome discomfort because it provides them with new opportunities to win.
This is how I win; Senior of the year at college, created a 6 figure income in less than 10 months. I win, by winning. I never give up, if I fail, I learn from that and move forward, winners do not quit. I am constantly evaluating and improving myself, and will do whatever it takes, (with integrity), to be the best. And I'll do the same for all of my team members if they ask for it.

5: You win by losing. This person wins by being a victim. They want sympathy from others. Just when things start to get better, they will sabotage themselves, and say, “I knew it wouldn’t work”, giving them their victory once again.
I don’t have the money. This is just another scam. I’ll give it a try…”

Now if you’re like me when I was exposed to this, you’re taking a long hard look at your life right now.
There are people who are not wealthy because they want to be comfortable. There are people who are not healthy because they want to be comfortable. There are people who are stuck in the same job without a promotion for 10 years because they want to be liked. There are people who are addicted to struggle because they win by losing.
And most likely, you see a little of yourself in each of these categories.I know I do, but what’s important to remember, is that winning is a continuous process that is brought to an end once you’ve won, which is an event.
As soon as you’ve “won”,(Achieved your goal) the process starts all over again.
I don’t know where you are at this moment in your life, but I do know this… Entrepreneurs win by winning, and they’ll do whatever it takes to fulfill that subconscious desire.
If your subconscious’ desire is to REALLY “win” in networking or your home business right now, then you should already have copies of Living Life Residually and be ready to make a decision of what is it that you want out of life? If you don’t, then you need to take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself why? Do you really want to “win” in this industry, or are you after something else…? If you REALLY want to “win” in this industry, but have recognized that you’re not where you need to be today thanks to this post, the choice is yours.
You are not a victim or a prisoner of your subconscious. You can control it. You can train it to achieve new goals.

You have complete power over every aspect of your life and you can reinvent yourself, and the way you win at any time, but it’s a process that will require complete dedication. NEVER GIVE UP. LOOK FOR THE OPPORTUNITY IN THE RISK VERSUS THE RISK IN THE OPPORTUNITY.

I hope you have the courage, and when you’re TRULY ready to win in networking, check out my website to learn more about me and what I have accomplished in my short life.
Regards, Sabrina